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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
00867 Sound Minor Have not tried Feb 6, 2008, 06:21 Aug 10, 2018, 12:11
Tester Gyrovision View Status Public Platform
Assigned To Resolution Fixed OS
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.118 Fixed in Version 0.201 Build
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 00867: twineagl: The music chopped in MAME.
Description I have a working Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother pcb and noticed the music chopped in MAME. The sound samples are not being fully played during gameplay.
If you put the pcb in test mode and run through the music samples, the music is chopped and this is what is played in MAME both in test mode and gameplay mode. If you listen to the recorded pcb music it becomes very obvious, just listen for the music out of time and out of rhythm in MAME compared to the pcb gameplay recordings. It's as if there's a missed connection somewhere that allows the music to play fully but instead the music is drawn from the test mode samples area. Perhaps Luca would know what to do?
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information vidpro1:
It's likely that all X1-010 Seta Custom Sound Chip Emulation still has bugs in it. If you listen to Sound BGM 10 and 19 in the test mode of Twin Eagle.
The tracks do not loop properly. They loop prematurely happens in game also.

In Athena's DAIOH, the wavetable sounds either play garbage or the wrong tones. The first level BGM is an example, and when the enemy boss music starts - Orchestra hits are all in wrong key.
Github Commit
Regression Version
Affected Sets / Systems twineagl
Attached Files
mp3 file icon stage music - mame.mp3 (616,448 bytes) Feb 14, 2008, 17:30
mp3 file icon stage music - pcb.mp3 (638,976 bytes) Feb 14, 2008, 17:30
mp3 file icon warning music - mame.mp3 (1,007,616 bytes) Feb 14, 2008, 17:32
mp3 file icon warning music - pcb.mp3 (1,042,432 bytes) Feb 14, 2008, 17:32
related to 04217Resolved X1-010 Sound playback is wrong, garbage or wrong pitch in some instances.. 
User avatar
Nov 25, 2011, 20:27
Also game has terrible slowdowns.
User avatar
Aug 10, 2018, 01:35
Fixed in .
Music rhythm and time is related to framerate.
User avatar
Aug 10, 2018, 02:27
Tafoid, does your testing show it's fixed? If so please resolve this.
User avatar
Aug 10, 2018, 12:11
edited on: Aug 10, 2018, 12:11
Seems to sync well/sound good against pcb recordings above.
Setting as fixed by cam900