Markup Tags
Written by Fujix and Tafoid - May 12, 2009
This page details usage of HTML markups in your bug posting.
Available html tags:
You can use following tags to mark up text:
b, i, strike, s, u, ul, ol, li, tt, dd, dl, pre and
Please use
pre for code with word-wrap disabled and
blockquote for code with a word-wrap enabled.
You cannot use
table, img and
a tags. Any typed in URLs will be linked automatically.
Mantis built-in auto link: Writing "bug" and "BugID number" will be automatically linked to a bug view page. Example "bug00000".
Embedding YouTube and LiveVideo movie:
Copy and paste an embedding text provided by YouTube or LiveVideo
as it is.
Mantis will investigate the link thoroughly to prevent SQL injection, modified link text won't be regarded as a proper link.
Bug #01541 and
Bug #01932 for in-use examples.
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