Viewing Issue Advanced Details
ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
01970 Crash/Freeze Critical (emulator) Always Jul 5, 2008, 13:49 Sep 20, 2012, 08:54
Tester Firewave View Status Public Platform MAME (Self-compiled)
Assigned To Resolution Fixed OS
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.125u9 Fixed in Version Build Debug
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 01970: polystar: Access Violation
Description The game crashes pretty early in the PPC frontend:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
123             UINT32 op = *desc->opptr.l;
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
        ppc = (powerpc_state *) 0x13f70000
        op = 1212358584
        opswitch = 44632796
        regnum = 383326200
#1  0x0101e018 in describe_one (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, curpc=1792, prevdesc=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:310
        desc = (opcode_desc *) 0x20431fa4
#2  0x0101dd6a in drcfe_describe_code (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, startpc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:231
        curstack = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        curdesc = (opcode_desc *) 0x0
        curpc = 1792
        minpc = 1664
        maxpc = 2304
        pcstack = {{targetpc = 1792, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291672,
    srcpc = 17788245}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 1073812924}, {
    targetpc = 2291688, srcpc = 17782633}, {targetpc = 2291868,
    srcpc = 368513537}, {targetpc = 2291976, srcpc = 233}, {
    targetpc = 2291704, srcpc = 17781592}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17788147}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 113}, {
    targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17781733}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291968,
    srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 1073812736, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 2291784, srcpc = 17813344}, {targetpc = 2291784,
    srcpc = 17813357}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 4292877290, srcpc = 4294967295}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 17813256}, {targetpc = 2291844, srcpc = 2291820}, {
    targetpc = 2291832, srcpc = 17814860}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373336, srcpc = 337373336}, {
    targetpc = 17784371, srcpc = 1073812924}, {targetpc = 2291976,
    srcpc = 17890809}, {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 124}, {
    targetpc = 2291872, srcpc = 17818077}, {targetpc = 2291988, srcpc = 10}, {
    targetpc = 2291890, srcpc = 40}, {targetpc = 2291900, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 1073812924, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 5004, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 337373197,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373444, srcpc = 7}, {targetpc = 2,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 10, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 17785007}, {targetpc = 368513392, srcpc = 525213668}, {
    targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 1073812904}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 2}, {
    targetpc = 2292136, srcpc = 16863559}, {targetpc = 525290904, srcpc = 0},
  {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292112, srcpc = 44677496}, {
    targetpc = 4, srcpc = 2292160}, {targetpc = 2291972, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 2292144, srcpc = 2291988}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 334954620, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 334954496, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 2292232, srcpc = 16870557}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 334954500}, {targetpc = 31, srcpc = 5}, {targetpc = 27,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 536870911,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 16864440}, {
    targetpc = 525276864, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 536870911, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292312, srcpc = 16870557},
  {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 4, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 525277192, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 5}, {
    targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 35673760, srcpc = 4294967279}, {
    targetpc = 525277552, srcpc = 3538944}, {targetpc = 9, srcpc = 16858907},
  {targetpc = 525213668, srcpc = 525277512}, {targetpc = 35672928,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2, srcpc = 2292348}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 1701080899}, {targetpc = 1869422650, srcpc = 842884452}, {
    targetpc = 1027821600, srcpc = 825241652}, {targetpc = 943797553,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292308, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 525277768,
    srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 37}, {targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 35672864}, {
    targetpc = 2292456, srcpc = 17891034}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337372992, srcpc = 337373234}, {
    targetpc = 37, srcpc = 525277728}, {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 16859358}, {
    targetpc = 368513536, srcpc = 525213668}}
        pcstackptr = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        tailptr = (opcode_desc **) 0x1
#3  0x00f16d6b in code_compile_block (drcuml=0x15f71340, mode=0 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
123 UINT32 op = *desc->opptr.l;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
        ppc = (powerpc_state *) 0x13f70000
        op = 1212358584
        opswitch = 44632796
        regnum = 383326200
#1 0x0101e018 in describe_one (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, curpc=1792, prevdesc=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:310
        desc = (opcode_desc *) 0x20431fa4
#2 0x0101dd6a in drcfe_describe_code (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, startpc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:231
        curstack = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        curdesc = (opcode_desc *) 0x0
        curpc = 1792
        minpc = 1664
        maxpc = 2304
        pcstack = {{targetpc = 1792, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291672,
    srcpc = 17788245}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 1073812924}, {
    targetpc = 2291688, srcpc = 17782633}, {targetpc = 2291868,
    srcpc = 368513537}, {targetpc = 2291976, srcpc = 233}, {
    targetpc = 2291704, srcpc = 17781592}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17788147}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 113}, {
    targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17781733}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291968,
    srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 1073812736, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 2291784, srcpc = 17813344}, {targetpc = 2291784,
    srcpc = 17813357}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 4292877290, srcpc = 4294967295}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 17813256}, {targetpc = 2291844, srcpc = 2291820}, {
    targetpc = 2291832, srcpc = 17814860}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373336, srcpc = 337373336}, {
    targetpc = 17784371, srcpc = 1073812924}, {targetpc = 2291976,
    srcpc = 17890809}, {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 124}, {
    targetpc = 2291872, srcpc = 17818077}, {targetpc = 2291988, srcpc = 10}, {
    targetpc = 2291890, srcpc = 40}, {targetpc = 2291900, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 1073812924, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 5004, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 337373197,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373444, srcpc = 7}, {targetpc = 2,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 10, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 17785007}, {targetpc = 368513392, srcpc = 525213668}, {
    targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 1073812904}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 2}, {
    targetpc = 2292136, srcpc = 16863559}, {targetpc = 525290904, srcpc = 0},
  {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292112, srcpc = 44677496}, {
    targetpc = 4, srcpc = 2292160}, {targetpc = 2291972, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 2292144, srcpc = 2291988}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 334954620, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 334954496, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 2292232, srcpc = 16870557}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 334954500}, {targetpc = 31, srcpc = 5}, {targetpc = 27,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 536870911,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 16864440}, {
    targetpc = 525276864, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 536870911, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292312, srcpc = 16870557},
  {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 4, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 525277192, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 5}, {
    targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 35673760, srcpc = 4294967279}, {
    targetpc = 525277552, srcpc = 3538944}, {targetpc = 9, srcpc = 16858907},
  {targetpc = 525213668, srcpc = 525277512}, {targetpc = 35672928,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2, srcpc = 2292348}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 1701080899}, {targetpc = 1869422650, srcpc = 842884452}, {
    targetpc = 1027821600, srcpc = 825241652}, {targetpc = 943797553,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292308, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 525277768,
    srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 37}, {targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 35672864}, {
    targetpc = 2292456, srcpc = 17891034}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337372992, srcpc = 337373234}, {
    targetpc = 37, srcpc = 525277728}, {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 16859358}, {
    targetpc = 368513536, srcpc = 525213668}}
        pcstackptr = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        tailptr = (opcode_desc **) 0x1
#3 0x00f16d6b in code_compile_block (drcuml=0x15f71340, mode=0 '\0', pc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:930
        compiler = {cycles = 0, checkints = 0 '\0', checksoftints = 0 '\0',
  labelnum = 0}
        seqhead = (const opcode_desc *) 0x0
        seqlast = (const opcode_desc *) 0x17af1a
        desclist = (const opcode_desc *) 0x22fb78
        override = 0
        block = (drcuml_block *) 0x15f71200
        errorbuf = {2292600, 1552154, 335286453, 335286438, 2292444,
  15822205, 2293728, 0, 27, 536872959, 2292568, 2292712, 2293144, 335020044,
  17784363, 335283074}
#4 0x00f160f7 in ppcdrc_execute (cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:706
        drcuml = (drcuml_state *) 0x15f71340
        execute_result = 1
#5 0x0096b7fa in cpunum_execute (cpunum=0, cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpuintrf.c:1467
        ran = 0
#6 0x009aea86 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xb541f3c)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:283
        target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 466666666666666648}
        base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 460000000000000000}
        cpunum = 0
        ran = 220000
#7 0x0096debd in mame_execute (options=0x8821e58) at src/emu/mame.c:394
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        machine = (running_machine *) 0xb541f3c
        mame = (mame_private *) 0xb551d68
        cb = (callback_item *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0xb541f00
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#8 0x00b896bc in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8, osd_options=0x20e7940)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:171
        options = (core_options *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0x8801f00
        exename = (astring *) 0x8811f00
        gamename_option = 0x8851f08 "polystar"
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        result = -1
#9 0x00913eb9 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257
        ext = 0x27e5768 ".map"
#10 0x011d8629 in main (argc=6, a_argv=0x6c22758) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72
        i = 6
        rc = -1
        utf8_argv = (char **) 0x8781fe8
        argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6c22838
        wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6c25010
        startupinfo = 3289943
', pc=1792) at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:930 compiler = {cycles = 0, checkints = 0 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
123 UINT32 op = *desc->opptr.l;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
        ppc = (powerpc_state *) 0x13f70000
        op = 1212358584
        opswitch = 44632796
        regnum = 383326200
#1 0x0101e018 in describe_one (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, curpc=1792, prevdesc=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:310
        desc = (opcode_desc *) 0x20431fa4
#2 0x0101dd6a in drcfe_describe_code (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, startpc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:231
        curstack = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        curdesc = (opcode_desc *) 0x0
        curpc = 1792
        minpc = 1664
        maxpc = 2304
        pcstack = {{targetpc = 1792, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291672,
    srcpc = 17788245}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 1073812924}, {
    targetpc = 2291688, srcpc = 17782633}, {targetpc = 2291868,
    srcpc = 368513537}, {targetpc = 2291976, srcpc = 233}, {
    targetpc = 2291704, srcpc = 17781592}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17788147}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 113}, {
    targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17781733}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291968,
    srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 1073812736, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 2291784, srcpc = 17813344}, {targetpc = 2291784,
    srcpc = 17813357}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 4292877290, srcpc = 4294967295}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 17813256}, {targetpc = 2291844, srcpc = 2291820}, {
    targetpc = 2291832, srcpc = 17814860}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373336, srcpc = 337373336}, {
    targetpc = 17784371, srcpc = 1073812924}, {targetpc = 2291976,
    srcpc = 17890809}, {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 124}, {
    targetpc = 2291872, srcpc = 17818077}, {targetpc = 2291988, srcpc = 10}, {
    targetpc = 2291890, srcpc = 40}, {targetpc = 2291900, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 1073812924, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 5004, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 337373197,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373444, srcpc = 7}, {targetpc = 2,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 10, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 17785007}, {targetpc = 368513392, srcpc = 525213668}, {
    targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 1073812904}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 2}, {
    targetpc = 2292136, srcpc = 16863559}, {targetpc = 525290904, srcpc = 0},
  {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292112, srcpc = 44677496}, {
    targetpc = 4, srcpc = 2292160}, {targetpc = 2291972, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 2292144, srcpc = 2291988}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 334954620, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 334954496, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 2292232, srcpc = 16870557}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 334954500}, {targetpc = 31, srcpc = 5}, {targetpc = 27,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 536870911,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 16864440}, {
    targetpc = 525276864, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 536870911, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292312, srcpc = 16870557},
  {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 4, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 525277192, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 5}, {
    targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 35673760, srcpc = 4294967279}, {
    targetpc = 525277552, srcpc = 3538944}, {targetpc = 9, srcpc = 16858907},
  {targetpc = 525213668, srcpc = 525277512}, {targetpc = 35672928,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2, srcpc = 2292348}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 1701080899}, {targetpc = 1869422650, srcpc = 842884452}, {
    targetpc = 1027821600, srcpc = 825241652}, {targetpc = 943797553,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292308, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 525277768,
    srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 37}, {targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 35672864}, {
    targetpc = 2292456, srcpc = 17891034}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337372992, srcpc = 337373234}, {
    targetpc = 37, srcpc = 525277728}, {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 16859358}, {
    targetpc = 368513536, srcpc = 525213668}}
        pcstackptr = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        tailptr = (opcode_desc **) 0x1
#3 0x00f16d6b in code_compile_block (drcuml=0x15f71340, mode=0 '\0', pc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:930
        compiler = {cycles = 0, checkints = 0 '\0', checksoftints = 0 '\0',
  labelnum = 0}
        seqhead = (const opcode_desc *) 0x0
        seqlast = (const opcode_desc *) 0x17af1a
        desclist = (const opcode_desc *) 0x22fb78
        override = 0
        block = (drcuml_block *) 0x15f71200
        errorbuf = {2292600, 1552154, 335286453, 335286438, 2292444,
  15822205, 2293728, 0, 27, 536872959, 2292568, 2292712, 2293144, 335020044,
  17784363, 335283074}
#4 0x00f160f7 in ppcdrc_execute (cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:706
        drcuml = (drcuml_state *) 0x15f71340
        execute_result = 1
#5 0x0096b7fa in cpunum_execute (cpunum=0, cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpuintrf.c:1467
        ran = 0
#6 0x009aea86 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xb541f3c)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:283
        target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 466666666666666648}
        base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 460000000000000000}
        cpunum = 0
        ran = 220000
#7 0x0096debd in mame_execute (options=0x8821e58) at src/emu/mame.c:394
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        machine = (running_machine *) 0xb541f3c
        mame = (mame_private *) 0xb551d68
        cb = (callback_item *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0xb541f00
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#8 0x00b896bc in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8, osd_options=0x20e7940)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:171
        options = (core_options *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0x8801f00
        exename = (astring *) 0x8811f00
        gamename_option = 0x8851f08 "polystar"
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        result = -1
#9 0x00913eb9 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257
        ext = 0x27e5768 ".map"
#10 0x011d8629 in main (argc=6, a_argv=0x6c22758) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72
        i = 6
        rc = -1
        utf8_argv = (char **) 0x8781fe8
        argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6c22838
        wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6c25010
        startupinfo = 3289943
', checksoftints = 0 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
123 UINT32 op = *desc->opptr.l;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0108d8f2 in ppcfe_describe (param=0x13f70000, desc=0x20431fa4, prev=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcfe.c:123
        ppc = (powerpc_state *) 0x13f70000
        op = 1212358584
        opswitch = 44632796
        regnum = 383326200
#1 0x0101e018 in describe_one (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, curpc=1792, prevdesc=0x0)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:310
        desc = (opcode_desc *) 0x20431fa4
#2 0x0101dd6a in drcfe_describe_code (drcfe=0x16d81fd0, startpc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:231
        curstack = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        curdesc = (opcode_desc *) 0x0
        curpc = 1792
        minpc = 1664
        maxpc = 2304
        pcstack = {{targetpc = 1792, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291672,
    srcpc = 17788245}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 1073812924}, {
    targetpc = 2291688, srcpc = 17782633}, {targetpc = 2291868,
    srcpc = 368513537}, {targetpc = 2291976, srcpc = 233}, {
    targetpc = 2291704, srcpc = 17781592}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17788147}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 113}, {
    targetpc = 2291752, srcpc = 17781733}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 233},
  {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2291968,
    srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 1073812736, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 2291784, srcpc = 17813344}, {targetpc = 2291784,
    srcpc = 17813357}, {targetpc = 2291868, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 4292877290, srcpc = 4294967295}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 17813256}, {targetpc = 2291844, srcpc = 2291820}, {
    targetpc = 2291832, srcpc = 17814860}, {targetpc = 2291832,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373336, srcpc = 337373336}, {
    targetpc = 17784371, srcpc = 1073812924}, {targetpc = 2291976,
    srcpc = 17890809}, {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 124}, {
    targetpc = 2291872, srcpc = 17818077}, {targetpc = 2291988, srcpc = 10}, {
    targetpc = 2291890, srcpc = 40}, {targetpc = 2291900, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 1073812924, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 5004, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 337373197,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337373444, srcpc = 7}, {targetpc = 2,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 10, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 17785007}, {targetpc = 368513392, srcpc = 525213668}, {
    targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 1073812904}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 2}, {
    targetpc = 2292136, srcpc = 16863559}, {targetpc = 525290904, srcpc = 0},
  {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292112, srcpc = 44677496}, {
    targetpc = 4, srcpc = 2292160}, {targetpc = 2291972, srcpc = 4}, {
    targetpc = 2292144, srcpc = 2291988}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 334954620, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 334954496, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 2292232, srcpc = 16870557}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 334954500}, {targetpc = 31, srcpc = 5}, {targetpc = 27,
    srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 536870911,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292264, srcpc = 16864440}, {
    targetpc = 525276864, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 536870911, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 1}, {targetpc = 2292312, srcpc = 16870557},
  {targetpc = 368513888, srcpc = 334964736}, {targetpc = 4, srcpc = 1}, {
    targetpc = 525277192, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 5}, {
    targetpc = 3073, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 35673760, srcpc = 4294967279}, {
    targetpc = 525277552, srcpc = 3538944}, {targetpc = 9, srcpc = 16858907},
  {targetpc = 525213668, srcpc = 525277512}, {targetpc = 35672928,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2, srcpc = 2292348}, {targetpc = 2292392,
    srcpc = 1701080899}, {targetpc = 1869422650, srcpc = 842884452}, {
    targetpc = 1027821600, srcpc = 825241652}, {targetpc = 943797553,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 2292308, srcpc = 3}, {targetpc = 525277768,
    srcpc = 1073812920}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0,
    srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {targetpc = 0, srcpc = 0}, {
    targetpc = 0, srcpc = 37}, {targetpc = 525277728, srcpc = 35672864}, {
    targetpc = 2292456, srcpc = 17891034}, {targetpc = 368513888,
    srcpc = 368513900}, {targetpc = 337372992, srcpc = 337373234}, {
    targetpc = 37, srcpc = 525277728}, {targetpc = 1, srcpc = 16859358}, {
    targetpc = 368513536, srcpc = 525213668}}
        pcstackptr = (pc_stack_entry *) 0x22f798
        tailptr = (opcode_desc **) 0x1
#3 0x00f16d6b in code_compile_block (drcuml=0x15f71340, mode=0 '\0', pc=1792)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:930
        compiler = {cycles = 0, checkints = 0 '\0', checksoftints = 0 '\0',
  labelnum = 0}
        seqhead = (const opcode_desc *) 0x0
        seqlast = (const opcode_desc *) 0x17af1a
        desclist = (const opcode_desc *) 0x22fb78
        override = 0
        block = (drcuml_block *) 0x15f71200
        errorbuf = {2292600, 1552154, 335286453, 335286438, 2292444,
  15822205, 2293728, 0, 27, 536872959, 2292568, 2292712, 2293144, 335020044,
  17784363, 335283074}
#4 0x00f160f7 in ppcdrc_execute (cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:706
        drcuml = (drcuml_state *) 0x15f71340
        execute_result = 1
#5 0x0096b7fa in cpunum_execute (cpunum=0, cycles=219993)
    at src/emu/cpuintrf.c:1467
        ran = 0
#6 0x009aea86 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xb541f3c)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:283
        target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 466666666666666648}
        base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 460000000000000000}
        cpunum = 0
        ran = 220000
#7 0x0096debd in mame_execute (options=0x8821e58) at src/emu/mame.c:394
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        machine = (running_machine *) 0xb541f3c
        mame = (mame_private *) 0xb551d68
        cb = (callback_item *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0xb541f00
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#8 0x00b896bc in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8, osd_options=0x20e7940)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:171
        options = (core_options *) 0x8821e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0x8801f00
        exename = (astring *) 0x8811f00
        gamename_option = 0x8851f08 "polystar"
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840
        result = -1
#9 0x00913eb9 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257
        ext = 0x27e5768 ".map"
#10 0x011d8629 in main (argc=6, a_argv=0x6c22758) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72
        i = 6
        rc = -1
        utf8_argv = (char **) 0x8781fe8
        argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6c22838
        wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6c25010
        startupinfo = 3289943
', labelnum = 0} seqhead = (const opcode_desc *) 0x0 seqlast = (const opcode_desc *) 0x17af1a desclist = (const opcode_desc *) 0x22fb78 override = 0 block = (drcuml_block *) 0x15f71200 errorbuf = {2292600, 1552154, 335286453, 335286438, 2292444, 15822205, 2293728, 0, 27, 536872959, 2292568, 2292712, 2293144, 335020044, 17784363, 335283074} #4 0x00f160f7 in ppcdrc_execute (cycles=219993) at src/emu/cpu/powerpc/ppcdrc.c:706 drcuml = (drcuml_state *) 0x15f71340 execute_result = 1 #5 0x0096b7fa in cpunum_execute (cpunum=0, cycles=219993) at src/emu/cpuintrf.c:1467 ran = 0 #6 0x009aea86 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xb541f3c) at src/emu/cpuexec.c:283 target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 466666666666666648} base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 460000000000000000} cpunum = 0 ran = 220000 #7 0x0096debd in mame_execute (options=0x8821e58) at src/emu/mame.c:394 settingsloaded = 0 driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840 machine = (running_machine *) 0xb541f3c mame = (mame_private *) 0xb551d68 cb = (callback_item *) 0x8821e58 gamename = (astring *) 0xb541f00 exit_pending = 0 error = 0 firstgame = 0 firstrun = 0 #8 0x00b896bc in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8, osd_options=0x20e7940) at src/emu/clifront.c:171 options = (core_options *) 0x8821e58 gamename = (astring *) 0x8801f00 exename = (astring *) 0x8811f00 gamename_option = 0x8851f08 "polystar" driver = (const game_driver *) 0x17c3840 result = -1 #9 0x00913eb9 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0x8781fe8) at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257 ext = 0x27e5768 ".map" #10 0x011d8629 in main (argc=6, a_argv=0x6c22758) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72 i = 6 rc = -1 utf8_argv = (char **) 0x8781fe8 argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6c22838 wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6c25010 startupinfo = 3289943
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information
Github Commit
Regression Version 0.125u9
Affected Sets / Systems polystar
Attached Files
There are no relationship linked to this issue.
User avatar
Jul 16, 2008, 16:41
the game freeze at 20001144 -> mfspr hid0/dbsr
User avatar
Sep 28, 2008, 11:39
As of 127u5, no crash in sdlmame 64bit.
Can someone verify in baseline?
User avatar
Senior Tester
Sep 28, 2008, 17:47
Still crashing in 0.127u5.
User avatar
Senior Tester
Dec 24, 2008, 18:22
In 0.128u7 it does assert:

assert: src/emu/cpu/drcfe.c:305: desc->opptr.v != NULL
User avatar
Dec 30, 2008, 06:55
This was due to an unimplemented PPC 602 opcode. It is implemented in 0.129 but we die in a similar fashion shortly thereafter when the sub cpu takes an external interrupt and attempts to jump to 0x500.
User avatar
Senior Tester
Mar 1, 2012, 12:37
In 0.145u3 it just sits at the copyright screen and does nothing. I think this can be closed.
User avatar
Senior Tester
Sep 20, 2012, 08:54
Still the same in 0.147