Welcome to MAME Testers.
Feb 29, 2008, 08:29
If you do not have an account and wish to report a confirmed bug with MAME or MESS, please consider signing up. MAMEDEV Developers, MameTesters Moderators, and other users truly appreciate your efforts in assisting the projects!

Effective 3/13/2011, all new accounts which are created here will be subject to a evaluation period of usually no more than 72 hours. After being manually checked by administration, you will be granted "Tester" status and may leave notes and report bugs to the database. This is needed to thwart bots and other malicious users and we are sorry for the slight inconvenience this causes any new reporters. You also may choose discuss possible bugs (if waiting is too much of a chore). In both cases, be sure to use the forum search for keywords to make sure your question isn't already answered before.

* Places you can discuss bugs which are frequented by Developers:

- Using temporary email addresses is also discouraged. If detected, you will be unable to post.
- Use of Yahoo/Hotmail/Outlook/AOL addresses very often doesn't work and may trap auto-response from us as SPAM or very well may never reach you. Google Email works well as well as most ISP provided emails.
- Use of VPNs/Virtual IPs or other evasion will likely result in your account not being authorized to submit bugs.
- If all else fails and are still having issues with mametesters.org, there is an email you may use at the following link:
Use this email ONLY if you have attempted to create an account and were unsuccessful. In the message, validate your information (name, user name, IP connecting with) so we can assist you in using the site.
- Be sure to refer to the FAQ, Rules and Guidelines and Tutorial files which outlay what is expected of Testers:

Active Moderators/Admin:

Mantis bug tracking system:
Regarding the DIFFs against the original MANTIS 1.1.0, feel free to contact the email address detailed above. We thank you the Mantis team for the flexible and useful bug tracking system. Again, without your help MAME would not be the project it is today. Enjoy your stay!!!
Image Enhancement category added
May 29, 2019, 16:20
Per developers wishes, MT has opened up reporting that deals with the fitness/function of HLSL, GLSL, BGFX Shader Chains - anything having a purpose of providing post processed emulation Image Enhancement. The Rules and Regulations will be changed to reflect this as previously we only accepted those bugs if they caused MAME to crash, hang or freeze.

Do not report issues for these functions if you do not understand how the commands and settings work. A lot of peoples' issues Image Enhancement tends to fall into the realm of mis-configuration rather than malfunction.
Enabled SSL on Testers server.
Aug 25, 2018, 12:25
Now enabled SSL on testers, the URL is now https://mametesters.org/
Following redirects are applied:

1) Old non-SSL access:
http://mametesters.org/*** -> https://mametesters.org/***

2) URL with www:
http[s]://www.mametesters.org/*** -> https://mametesters.org/***
New reporting Categories Added
Aug 14, 2017, 00:30
August 13, 2017 - Tafoid

Due to recent additions and clarification, I've added the following new categories to select when reporting:

Media Support - This will cover issues related to any external media not being handled properly but not crashing the emulation or MAME itself. Such crashing will still accepted as "Crash/Freeze" with the severity being critical.

Plugins - This will cover issues related to issues and regressions of Lua Plugins which are shipped with MAME such as Data, High Scores, Cheats, etc. It isn't for any random malfunctions, but the Lua Scripting needed to handle them.
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