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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
01026 Side-by-side Minor Have not tried Feb 8, 2008, 13:21 16 days ago
Tester Gary Walton View Status Public Platform
Assigned To Resolution Open OS
Status [?] Confirmed Driver
Version 0.37b10 Fixed in Version Build
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 01026: phoenix: "Phoenix" side-by-side test.
Description Phoenix

Test conditions:

O/S: Pure DOS, synced at 60HZ
PCB: G.G.I phoenix PCB
Mameset: phoenixc (closest set)
Mame: m37b9
test date: 26/11/00



There are a number of serious colour discrepancies. These are listed below:

1) Fundamentally, mame changes colours of the sprites at variousppoints in the game. THIS IS NOT CORRECT. Sprites of a particular colour staytthat way thoughout entire game.
E.g :
  . Big Phoenix. These are shown as blue in mame but crimson on PCB.
  . Small Phoenix. These have yellow wings in mame but are purple on PCB. Interestingly, colours are correct on mothership screen and all the way until 'Phoenix' is drawn and the attract mode startsaagain. Then the birds turn back to yellow.

2) The graphic indicating number of ships remaining is green throughout.

3) The planets and comets etc. shown on the first screen are dark blue as per the rest of the stars and not light blue.

4) The screen filled entirely with asterixes ( '*' ) that link screens together are coloured yellow throughout game ( blue in mame ).

Other graphic problems.

The '1 Player 1 Coin' is *not* present on my PCB. This only seems to apply to Pleiads ( needs verification with another PCB ).

To recap: Colours stay the same for a particular sprite throughout game. Suspect problem is that Pleiads does some colour changing whichmmay be impacting on driver for this game.


Music is pitched too low. I am guessing at 3 or 4 semitones belowaarcade pitch.

Sound effects. These are *WAY OFF* and sound absolutely nothing like the original.
Attacking birds in mame have a single pitch that varies occasionally. The PCB has a sound that undulates up and down ( hardtto describe ).


Mame runs slightly faster with a six second lead after six minutes.


Driver has some fundamental problems. Together with the incorrect sound, this emulation does not attain the high standards set by others tested.

Watch out for the pleiads test to follow shortly.
Steps To Reproduce
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Github Commit
Flags Verified with Original
Regression Version
Affected Sets / Systems phoenix
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User avatar
Senior Tester
Oct 21, 2019, 12:02
edited on: Oct 21, 2019, 12:13
I can only think that the tester, Gary Walton, has a damaged phoenix pcb. He claims the original board doesn't make the color changes seen in MAME between levels but that is something seen in ALL the pcb videos I've found on youtube, including a G.G.I phoenix PCB, which is the same pcb the tester has.

Irecsa GGI:




Another Taito board:

Hellomat (with german text):

Another HelloMat:
User avatar
Senior Tester
Oct 21, 2019, 12:04
edited on: Oct 21, 2019, 12:15
Considering the bad info about the colors, I would close this as a an invalid report.
Opinions about what to do with this old report will be welcomed
User avatar
Oct 21, 2019, 17:02
I dunno, this game was bootlegged like a thousand times, I would be more on board with guessing that Gary's "original Phoenix" is in fact a bootleg that doesn't do the color transitions or something. It's hard to say.
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Senior Tester
Oct 22, 2019, 14:59
or was simply faulty, but yeah, the colour transitions are normal
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Senior Tester
16 days ago
edited on: 16 days ago
Why are you bumping bugs? You've added nothing new to the conversation here. Also admitting to duplicating old reports in one of the others?

That's incredibly rude behaviour.
User avatar
16 days ago
I'm sorry, I thought it would be helpful. I'll stop.