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Viewing Issue Advanced Details
ID | Category [?] | Severity [?] | Reproducibility | Date Submitted | Last Update |
02323 | DIP/Input | Major | Always | Sep 22, 2008, 23:28 | Sep 28, 2008, 14:34 |
Tester | Tafoid | View Status | Public | Platform | MAME (Self-compiled) |
Assigned To | stephh | Resolution | Fixed | OS | Windows 2000 |
Status [?] | Resolved | Driver | |||
Version | 0.127u4 | Fixed in Version | 0.127u6 | Build | Normal |
Fixed in Git Commit | Github Pull Request # | ||||
Summary | 02323: geebeeb: Unable to coin - Always coin lockout | ||||
Description | This set since it was added was never able to be started. The coin inputs appear permanently locked out and no amount of time seems to clear this up. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | |||||
Additional Information | |||||
Github Commit | |||||
Flags | |||||
Regression Version | 0.122u5 | ||||
Affected Sets / Systems | geebeeb | ||||
Attached Files
![]() <UNADORNED0> # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath roms samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath ini fontpath . cheatpath cheat # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g%i snapsize 222x167 snapview auto # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 1 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 1 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 1.0 # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # antialias 1 beam 1.0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # sound 1 samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 0 ctrlr MameUI mouse 1 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device mouse adstick_device mouse pedal_device mouse dial_device mouse trackball_device mouse lightgun_device mouse positional_device mouse mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # log 0 verbose 0 update_in_pause 0 debug 0 debugscript # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 1 # # WINDOWS DEBUGGING OPTIONS # oslog 0 watchdog 0 # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 multithreading 1 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 1 maximize 1 keepaspect 1 prescale 3 effect none waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 0 # # DIRECTDRAW-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # hwstretch 1 # # DIRECT3D-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # d3dversion 9 filter 1 # # PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # aspect auto resolution auto screen0 \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect0 auto resolution0 1920x1080@0 view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 1 switchres 0 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # WINDOWS SOUND OPTIONS # audio_latency 2 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # dual_lightgun 0 | ||||
There are no relationship linked to this issue. |
![]() No.02538
john_iv Senior Tester
Sep 23, 2008, 03:33
edited on: Sep 23, 2008, 03:34 |
I am able to coin up and start a game in MameUI64 .127.4 on Vista x64. w/ the attached ini. |
![]() No.02539
Tafoid Administrator
Sep 23, 2008, 03:58
edited on: Sep 23, 2008, 04:15 |
Note this is only for the one set "geebeeb" (clone). The other two, "geebee" (parent) and "geebeeg" (clone) - work fine for me. EDIT: I tried your .ini (I normally do not use one - only for path information) and for some strange reason it works after taking the MAMEUI controller profile out. Does it work for you without any .INI? EDIT2: If I use -nocoin_lockout, then I can coin up. A game shouldn't require shutting this off in order to be used. |
![]() No.02555
stephh Developer
Sep 23, 2008, 23:55
edited on: Sep 24, 2008, 00:02 |
The problem comes from the fact that in 'geebeeb', there are no writes to port 0x74 : Z:\MAME>diff geebee.asm geebeeb.asm | more 557c557,558 < 03C6: D3 74 out $74 --- > 03C6: 00 nop > 03C7: 00 nop ... 1619c1620,1621 < 0B31: D3 74 out $74 --- > 0B31: 00 nop > 0B32: 00 nop So geebee_out7_w write handler is NOT called and coin lockout status is NOT updated (at start or when you get too many credits) ! IMO, you might need a specific geebeeb_out7_w write handler for this set where "case 4" is removed (or does nothing). |
![]() No.02565
couriersud Developer
Sep 24, 2008, 20:43
geebee_out7_w is called via static ADDRESS_MAP_START( geebee_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 8 ) ..... AM_RANGE(0x7000, 0x7fff) AM_WRITE(geebee_out7_w) ADDRESS_MAP_END This is done during startup. In the debugger, "wpset 0x7000,0x1000,w" will locate the exact position. Since geebeeb is a "licensed" clone, the manufacturer most probably never hooked the coin lockout up. -nocoin_lockout IMHO is the way to go |
![]() No.02567
stephh Developer
Sep 24, 2008, 23:00
geebee_out7_w is called via writes to memory 0x7000 - 0x7fff as you mentionned, but also to ports 0x70 - 0x7f (see geebee_port_map). Anyway, even if it is a "licenced" clone, code is different : in 'geebee', you can get up to 2 credits (one at 40k and another at 80k with default settings) while in 'geebeeb' you can only get ONE credit (at 40k with default settings). So I don't see why writes should exactly do the same (see warpwarp_out3_w write handler where "case 3" is told to be "n.c."). As a conclusion, I would say that 'geebeeb' requires a specific geebeeb_out7_w write handler as well as a specific INPUT_PORTS definition. Little OT : what is supposed to be the difference between 'geebee' and 'geebeeg' ? ROMS are the same, aren't they ? |
![]() No.02568
Tafoid Administrator
Sep 25, 2008, 00:34
Re: Little OT: Yes, they are. I just discovered this which lead me to test all sets and see this problem. There must be something to it - like osman=candance, galpanic=galpania, natodef=natodefa, wotw=wotwc and a few CHD games have the exact same roms but different CHD's. But, I digress :) As for this geebee=geebeeg, I don't see any mention in whatsnew for 0.126u3 - when roms changed to share parent. This is also that BIG update with all the tag changes - somehow this slipped and the original GFX rom was replaced. Why? I couldn't tell you...maybe another Dev could explain. |
![]() No.02576
Haze Senior Tester
Sep 25, 2008, 22:13
hmm the geebee case might need a check, I can't remember reading anything specific about it, sounds suspicious, it might be a mistake. osman / candance use the same roms, but have a different default eeprom (set in the init) galpanic / galpania aren't the same, one has more roms (which act as a patch over the program roms) natodef / natodefa have a different rom loading order, even if the roms are the same wotw / wotwc are the same roms with different hardware. |