Viewing Issue Advanced Details
ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
03872 Crash/Freeze Critical (emulator) Always Jun 2, 2010, 02:14 May 25, 2011, 23:05
Tester Gnome99 View Status Public Platform MAME (Self-compiled)
Assigned To Kale Resolution Fixed OS
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.138 Fixed in Version 0.142u5 Build Normal
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 03872: vmahjong: Game crashes after select screen
Description After you select either one of the three girls on the select screen, the game crashes as soon as it starts. Same thing happens on attract mode - when it gets to the gameplay demo, it crashes as well.
Steps To Reproduce
Additional Information stv.c merged into saturn.c in 0.142u2
Github Commit
Regression Version 0.133u1
Affected Sets / Systems vmahjong
Attached Files
There are no relationship linked to this issue.
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Senior Tester
Jun 2, 2010, 04:04

It also prints the following message before crashing:

Window control enabled on a tilemap plane = 12

Stack crawl:
Exception at EIP=00932A69 (video_start_stv_vdp2(running_machine*)+0x1d7c): ACCES
While attempting to write memory at 0DCE6116
EAX=0DCE6116 EBX=00137DE4 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000
ESI=00000000 EDI=000088BA EBP=0022F840 ESP=0022F7B8
Stack crawl:
  0022F840: 00932A69 (video_start_stv_vdp2(running_machine*)+0x1d7c)
  0022F860: 00933A44 (video_update_stv_vdp2(running_device*, bitmap_t*, _rectangle const*)+0x0267)
  0022F910: 00CB127F (video_screen_update_partial(running_device*, int)+0x0218)
  0022F970: 00CB4499 (video_frame_update(running_machine*, int)+0x04eb)
  0022FA20: 00CB41C2 (video_frame_update(running_machine*, int)+0x0214)
  0022FA50: 00CB3E3F (device_get_config_video_screen(device_config const*, unsigned int, deviceinfo*)+0x041d)
  0022FAB0: 00CCC888 (timer_execute_timers(running_machine*)+0x0292)
  0022FC00: 00CAAEE6 (cpuexec_timeslice(running_machine*)+0x0bc7)
  0022FD50: 00C986FE (mame_execute(_core_options*)+0x04dc)
  0022FEC0: 00F03CE1 (cli_execute(int, char**, _options_entry const*)+0x0313)
  0022FF00: 00BD3B4C (utf8_main(int, char**)+0x012c)
  0022FF30: 017B3BDE (wmain+0x008a)
  0022FFC0: 004013D4 (__image_base__ = 0x400000+0x13d4)
  0022FFF0: 7D4E7D42 (BaseProcessInitPostImport+0x008d)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
5') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132 6132 if ( interlace_f ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10; (gdb) bt full #0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48, cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
5') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132 x = 135 ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3} alpha_enabled = 0 sprite_ccrr_mask = 3 sprite_priorities = "
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
5" y = 134 r = 0 g = 0 framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820 interlace_framebuffer = 1 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
1' priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0} sprite_priority_shift = 13 sprite_ccrr_shift = 11 sprite_color_mode = 1 b = 0 i = 0 priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0, 7, 7, 6, 0} ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6} sprite_type = 1 sprite_colormask = 2047 pix = 33961 bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150 double_x = 0 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0' color_offset_pal = 2048 ccr = 0 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0' sprite_ccr = "
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
3" bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0 sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023, 511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255} sprite_priority_mask = 7 priority = 5 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
5' mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223} #1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48, cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311 pri = 5 '
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
5' #2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223) at src/emu/video.c:655 flags = 1 state = 0xbf41ca0 clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223} result = 0 #3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50) at src/emu/video.c:1362 screen = 0xbf41c00 anything_changed = 0 #4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0) at src/emu/video.c:1291 anything_changed = 2292256 current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200} skipped_it = 0 phase = 3 #5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00, param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213 i = 2 screen = 0xbf41c00 state = 0xbf41ca0 #6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50) at src/emu/timer.c:406 was_enabled = 1 global = 0xbf41ff8 timer = 0xbf42470 #7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50) at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375 call_debugger = 1000000000 timerexec = 0x0 global = 0x0 ran = 0 #8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320 settingsloaded = 0 driver = 0x2405640 machine = 0xbf3fa50 mame = 0xbf40398 cb = 0x22fd50 gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong", alloclen = 56, smallbuf = "vmahjong
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0 ²\"
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0"}, <No d ata fields>} exit_pending = 0 error = 0 firstgame = 0 firstrun = 0 #9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60) at src/emu/clifront.c:177 gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong" driver = 0x2405640 exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56, smallbuf = "mamed
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
00? a}0÷a}7777\r÷a}5\fM}"}, <No data fields>} options = 0xc026718 result = -1 gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong", alloclen = 56, smallbuf = "vmahjong
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
00?a }?ub}7777?ub}xsb}
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
6132 if ( interlace_f
ramebuffer == 1 ) bitmap_line2[x] = b | g << 5 | r << 10;
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00932a69 in draw_sprites (machine=0xbf3fa50, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc, pri=5 '\005') at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6132
        x = 135
        ccrr_mask_table = {7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3}
        alpha_enabled = 0
        sprite_ccrr_mask = 3
        sprite_priorities = "\005\005\005\005\005\005\005\005"
        y = 134
        r = 0
        g = 0
        framebuffer_line = 0x185a1820
        interlace_framebuffer = 1 '\001'
        priority_mask_table = {3, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0}
        sprite_priority_shift = 13
        sprite_ccrr_shift = 11
        sprite_color_mode = 1
        b = 0
        i = 0
        priority_shift_table = {14, 13, 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 6, 0,
          7, 7, 6, 0}
        ccrr_shift_table = {11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6,
          0, 6}
        sprite_type = 1
        sprite_colormask = 2047
        pix = 33961
        bitmap_line2 = 0xdd75150
        double_x = 0 '\000'
        color_offset_pal = 2048
        ccr = 0 '\000'
        sprite_ccr = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003"
        bitmap_line = 0xdd74dc0
        sprite_colormask_table = {2047, 2047, 2047, 2047, 1023, 2047, 1023,
          511, 127, 63, 63, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255}
        sprite_priority_mask = 7
        priority = 5 '\005'
        mycliprect = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
#1 0x00933a44 in video_update_stv_vdp2 (screen=0xbf41c00, bitmap=0x11ffcc48,
    cliprect=0x22f8dc) at src/mame/video/stvvdp2.c:6311
        pri = 5 '\005'
#2 0x00cb127f in video_screen_update_partial (screen=0xbf41c00, scanline=223)
    at src/emu/video.c:655
        flags = 1
        state = 0xbf41ca0
        clip = {min_x = 0, max_x = 351, min_y = 0, max_y = 223}
        result = 0
#3 0x00cb4499 in finish_screen_updates (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/video.c:1362
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        anything_changed = 0
#4 0x00cb41c2 in video_frame_update (machine=0xbf3fa50, debug=0)
    at src/emu/video.c:1291
        anything_changed = 2292256
        current_time = {seconds = 36, attoseconds = 5486443190711200}
        skipped_it = 0
        phase = 3
#5 0x00cb3e3f in vblank_end_callback (machine=0xbf3fa50, ptr=0xbf41c00,
    param=0) at src/emu/video.c:1213
        i = 2
        screen = 0xbf41c00
        state = 0xbf41ca0
#6 0x00ccc888 in timer_execute_timers (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/timer.c:406
        was_enabled = 1
        global = 0xbf41ff8
        timer = 0xbf42470
#7 0x00caaee6 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xbf3fa50)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:375
        call_debugger = 1000000000
        timerexec = 0x0
        global = 0x0
        ran = 0
#8 0x00c986fe in mame_execute (options=0xc026718) at src/emu/mame.c:320
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = 0x2405640
        machine = 0xbf3fa50
        mame = 0xbf40398
        cb = 0x22fd50
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000?u\001¿ç?\v???\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027?w\000
\000\000\000 ²\"\000\022?u\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <No d
ata fields>}
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9 0x00f03ce1 in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0, osd_options=0x29bce60)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:177
        gamename_option = 0xbf286f8 "vmahjong"
        driver = 0x2405640
        exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
        options = 0xc026718
        result = -1
        gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "vmahjong",
            alloclen = 56,
            smallbuf = "vmahjong\000Y\000\000?²\"\000ª\000¿\000?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
        ext = 0x558c58d ".map"
#11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
        i = 5
        rc = 18
        utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0
#12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
        fiberid = <value optimized out>
        nested = <value optimized out>
        lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
        StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
          lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
          dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
          dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
          hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
        inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
   from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0"}, <No data field s>} #10 0x00bd3b4c in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0xc0250d0) at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318 ext = 0x558c58d ".map" #11 0x017b3bde in wmain (argc=5, argv=0xc024cd8) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82 i = 5 rc = 18 utf8_argv = 0xc0250d0 #12 0x004013d4 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268 fiberid = <value optimized out> nested = <value optimized out> lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out> StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0, lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0, dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0, dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0, hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0} inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out> #13 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW () from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll No symbol table info available. #14 0x00000000 in ?? () No symbol table info available.
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Senior Tester
Jun 2, 2010, 08:26
Added Regression Version (0.133u1).

ST-V changes in MAME 0.133u1:
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added Screen Raw Params hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.

NVRAM was added in MAME 0.137u1. For testing Virtual Mahjong before MAME 0.137u1, press after 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE' SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 1P (one player) and EXIT the test menu.

In MAME 0.133 you can see only the blinking start screen and you can insert coin, but in
0.133u1 it shows also the attract mode but crashed MAME. Since this version it crashes every
time without INSERT COIN.
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Senior Tester
Jun 13, 2010, 10:43
I seem to be unable to reproduce this error on 0.136.
Although the game did seem a bit odd (you don't tell it when to draw a new tile?) it never crashed.
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Senior Tester
Jun 13, 2010, 11:30
if you're still using your own unofficial compile then such comparisons aren't valid, and will probably just end up with your account being disabled here. It's crashed in official builds for a long time.
User avatar
Jun 15, 2010, 19:11
I'm using official compile.
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Senior Tester
Jun 15, 2010, 22:50
Yes, after checking on an official compile it does indeed crash.
I wonder why my build works, since I haven't changed any ST-V code.