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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
05659 Crash/Freeze Critical (emulator) Always Aug 7, 2014, 18:47 13 days ago
Tester Firewave View Status Public Platform MAME (Self-compiled)
Assigned To Resolution Fixed OS Linux
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.154 Fixed in Version Build Debug
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 05659: vendetta2pd: Error when loading savestate
MAME exception: execute_command called with invalid command 0

Happens when running it twice with "-str 2 -autosave".
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Github Commit
Regression Version 0.153
Affected Sets / Systems vendetta2pd
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Jan 11, 2016, 09:08
Broke following this change:
User avatar
14 days ago
It works fine on MAME 0.273.

I thought it still crashed, since the 2nd "-str 2 -autosave" command exited immediately. I tried the same with pacman, and have to do "-str 4" on the 2nd run to make it run for 2 seconds. Or is this a bug?
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Senior Tester
13 days ago
That is how it is supposed to work:
- `-str 2` tells it to run for 2 emulated seconds in total
- `-autosave` tells it to create an "auto" save state when it exits
- it exits when the 2 seconds have elapse
- when you run it again `-autosave` will load the "auto" save state
- since the state includes the amount of time it has run it sees that the 2 seconds have already been reached and will exit immediately

On a side note - it is actually neat since it will just load, exit save on the second run which is nice to automated testing.
Since `-str` also generates a snapshot you can compare the ones from each run and any difference should indicate any issue since they should be identical. I think I have that integrated in the reporting of my testing tool - but it seems I never filed reports about that (I did about the .wav output). Actually it should also be possible to just compare the save states - not sure if I do that in the tests. Something to look into if I ever get around to doing another regtest run.