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Viewing Issue Advanced Details
ID | Category [?] | Severity [?] | Reproducibility | Date Submitted | Last Update |
06765 | Crash/Freeze | Critical (emulation) | Always | Nov 19, 2017, 16:47 | Oct 30, 2020, 10:16 |
Tester | vidpro1 | View Status | Public | Platform | MAME (Official Binary) |
Assigned To | Resolution | Open | OS | Windows 10 (64-bit) | |
Status [?] | Confirmed | Driver | |||
Version | 0.191 | Fixed in Version | Build | 64-bit | |
Fixed in Git Commit | Github Pull Request # | ||||
Summary | 06765: tranqgun: Resets or Crashes on Game Over or if you pass Round 3 - No dipswitches | ||||
Description |
The dipswitches do not work.. Cocktail mode is stuck on permanently. Doing save states during a certain time resets the emulator, ie while truck bonus is adding up. Game crashes to Game Over after Round 3 complete. Tranquilize all 4 animals on screen at once. During some game overs the screen freezes does not go to attract but you can get around it by putting credits. |
Steps To Reproduce |
Here's something that most people have probably not tried. Your jeep only has 30 lites of gas. To get 10 more liters of gas you must tranquilize and drag 1 of each species to the jeep (4). This works To pass a round in Tranquilizer Gun, tranquilize all 4 animals on the screen at once to go to the next level (monkey, lion, elephant, and snake). The game crashes with Game Over if you do this on round 3. (The only way to advance levels) The only known other working version of the game is a Playstation 2 version on the Sega Ages collection where I had played and verified it and made it to round 5. I also tried using a super old version of mame from the early 2000s the problem is still there. (.36) |
Additional Information | |||||
Github Commit | |||||
Flags | |||||
Regression Version | |||||
Affected Sets / Systems | tranqgun | ||||
Attached Files
![]() | ||||
There are no relationship linked to this issue. |
![]() No.14481
vidpro1 Developer
Nov 29, 2017, 16:59
I have some more information about this bug now that the new version of MAME is out. It looks like the game is definitely having trouble trying to save any score data to any of the three high score slots at the top of the screen after the last life is lost. (Before GAME OVER is displayed). This appears to be where the crash happens. |
![]() No.14487
Duke Developer
Nov 30, 2017, 10:26
I'm currently working on the vicdual driver, so I'll take a look at this soon. |
![]() No.14521
Osso Moderator
Dec 12, 2017, 03:52
Just so it doesn't get lost, here's a pic of the dip-switch settings provided by gregf: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/download.php?Number=371809 |
![]() No.18085
Haze Senior Tester
Oct 25, 2020, 12:58
edited on: Oct 25, 2020, 14:44 |
I wonder if it's a bad dump, it looks suspiciously like it's ending up in bad code and only getting back to where it needs to be by chance. Does anybody have the PCB to check? This corruption is not present on original hardware |
![]() No.18086
Haze Senior Tester
Oct 25, 2020, 14:01
edited on: Oct 25, 2020, 14:04 |
actually the ROM mirror is hiding it, but it might be a protection check [:maincpu] ':maincpu' (3F0D): unmapped program memory write to 4000 = D8 & FF [:maincpu] ':maincpu' (3F0E): unmapped program memory read from 7800 & FF 3F01: F5 push af 3F02: D5 push de 3F03: E5 push hl 3F04: 21 00 40 ld hl,$4000 3F07: 11 00 78 ld de,$7800 3F0A: 3E D8 ld a,$D8 3F0C: 77 ld (hl),a 3F0D: 1A ld a,(de) 3F0E: E6 07 and $07 3F10: FE 02 cp $02 3F12: 20 1A jr nz,$3F2E 3F14: 3E 3A ld a,$3A 3F16: 77 ld (hl),a 3F17: 1A ld a,(de) 3F18: E6 07 and $07 3F1A: FE 01 cp $01 3F1C: 20 10 jr nz,$3F2E 3F1E: 3E 6A ld a,$6A 3F20: 77 ld (hl),a 3F21: 1A ld a,(de) 3F22: E6 07 and $07 3F24: FE 06 cp $06 3F26: 20 06 jr nz,$3F2E 3F28: E1 pop hl 3F29: D1 pop de 3F2A: F1 pop af 3F2B: C3 DA 32 jp $32DA -- fail? 3F2E: E1 pop hl 3F2F: D1 pop de 3F30: F1 pop af 3F31: C3 E1 3E jp $3EE1 |
![]() No.18088
Haze Senior Tester
Oct 25, 2020, 19:50
The 'no dipswitches' part of this still applies btw, but I'm not convinced the set we have has any settings you can change, that doesn't seem to be a protection thing. |
![]() No.18089
Tafoid Administrator
Oct 25, 2020, 20:59
edited on: Oct 25, 2020, 21:00 |
Well, then I guess leave it open ref: https://github.com/mamedev/mame/commit/a2760574acabe9c8201e161b5cc38160454bf6c6 One of the reasons I hate combination bug reports like this it is easy to just overlook one or the other thing. |
![]() No.18091
Haze Senior Tester
Oct 25, 2020, 22:58
I think a new report saying 'dipswitches have no function' should be opened, although I'm kinda inclined to think that's just how it is |
![]() No.18102
cuavas Administrator
Oct 29, 2020, 01:57
Depending on how the hardware works, cocktail always on may not be a real bug, either. Some early games lack hardware to actually draw the image upside down, and instead use a relay board to reverse the deflection coil connections to the monitor. For example Midway Space Invaders works like this (pin 12 of the 16-pin connector on the game logic board drives the relay board to flip the screen in a cocktail cabinet), as do the Zaccaria-developed Laser Battle/Lazarian and Cat and Mouse. Laser Battle/Lazarian and Cat and Mouse always output the signal to flip the screen for the second player, irrespective of the cabinet type. Upright cabinets lack the relay board for flipping the screen, so the signal just doesn’t do anything in an upright cabinet. Tranquillizer Gun could work the same way. We need schematics/wiring diagrams to confirm. I’m also inclined to believe that the game options that can be changed with DIP switches. It doesn’t appear to have any code to behaviour depending on DIP switch positions. The instruction sheet attached here says nothing about DIP switches. The table shows the anesthesia time/scores for the first round and multipliers for subsequent rounds. |
![]() No.18111
vidpro1 Developer
Oct 30, 2020, 10:16
edited on: Oct 30, 2020, 10:39 |
U4.BIN rom controls cocktail mode - change 1 byte 34A: 28 Cocktail Mode Flip for 2 players. 34A: 18 Upright Mode only. |