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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
08737 Sound Minor Always Jul 30, 2023, 16:29 Aug 4, 2023, 14:32
Tester Kale View Status Public Platform MAME (Official Binary)
Assigned To Resolution Open OS Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Status [?] Confirmed Driver
Version 0.257 Fixed in Version Build 64-bit
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 08737: tkmmpzdm: [possible] No sound if you credit in on "For use in Japan" screen
Description Game won't output any sound if you credit in before the "ohaiyou gozaimasu" has been uttered.
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Affected Sets / Systems tkmmpzdm
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Aug 4, 2023, 14:32
I found that if you coin up when the screen with the girl appears, even before any sounds are heard, the sound then works. But if you coin up in the brief interval before that, but after the rom test, then there's no sound.

Since in real life the tube would still be warming up, I'd say it's very much likely a BTANB.