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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
08789 Interface Minor Random Nov 18, 2023, 18:28 Sep 13, 2024, 22:25
Tester ICEknight View Status Public Platform MAME (Official Binary)
Assigned To hap Resolution Fixed OS Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.260 Fixed in Version 0.270 Build 64-bit
Fixed in Git Commit 3a817b4 Github Pull Request #
Summary 08789: Enter key randomly "gets stuck" after toggling Full Screen
Description Sometimes, after pressing Alt+Enter to toggle Full Screen mode, MAME acts as if the Enter key got stuck afterwards, so you can toggle Full Screen again by just pressing Alt alone.
Steps To Reproduce - Run any system.
- Press Alt+Enter.
- Press Alt alone and see if it toggles Full Screen. Else, press Alt+Enter and try again.
- Tap enter to get things back to normal.
Additional Information Randomly happens to me on two very different computers. Other people have experienced this issue, as well.
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Nov 21, 2023, 07:43
edited on: Nov 21, 2023, 07:45
Another similar issue happening since some previous versions.
Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6 GT 640 driver 470.
Randomly happen when using an controller ( PS4 DS4 ) with any button exactly if using OSD menu.

Press an button to open OSD menu and move cursor to up or down using controller d-pad or analog left.
After was used the dpad or analog left to up or down for few seconds the cursor move to up or down as if was holded d-pad or analog left, but not any input from controller.
Not is possible enter any input from controller or keyboard for several seconds.
That strange bug happen much when selecting an bgfx shader at point to stop it need wait for several seconds or press up and down several times in sequence and even trying press in keyboard ESC, Enter and TAB not works.
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Nov 21, 2023, 10:13
Unable to replicate this. It's acknowledged for now.
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Nov 21, 2023, 10:39
edited on: Nov 21, 2023, 10:40
Hello Robbert. All good with you ?
I not remember exactly if had happened before april, but since april 2023 to november that bug have happened several times here with me.
Is as if an internal task controlling inputs goes in loop and not finish process code thus any input done is holded.
If has an delay to render OSD graphic menu or when changing shaders have chance the bug will happen.
Well ... I will from now using opengl instead vulkan for see if happen again.
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Nov 21, 2023, 19:00
edited on: Nov 21, 2023, 19:04
Foxhack and DonKale have already confirmed this bug happening as well.
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Senior Tester
Nov 22, 2023, 10:06
Yeah, this has happened for a long time. It's infrequent, but weird when it does.

I've never been sure if it's a MAME bug or some general Windows issue though (Win10/11 are still rough, if we're being polite)
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Nov 22, 2023, 11:10
Happen in Linux too.
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Aug 24, 2024, 12:47
I can repro it on opengl, bgfx-vulkan, and bgfx-opengl, maybe because switching to/from fullscreen takes a short while. Do these video backend have exclusive fullscreen mode and most others have so-called borderless windowed mode?
keyboardprovider is set to auto.

hold alt -> press enter -> let go of alt: enter input might get stuck and pressing alt will toggle fullscreen, it goes away when you press enter
hold enter -> press alt -> let go of enter: alt input might get stuck and pressing enter will toggle fullscreen, it goes away when you press alt
I don't know the exact timing of keypresses so I can't repro it consistently, it's around 1 out of 15 times.

I tried on an MSX driver (canonv20), I mapped the grph key to left alt, and it looks like it's not just an OSD input issue, the emulated inputs get stuck as well.
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Aug 24, 2024, 13:05
This seems related?:
video backend does not matter, and it appears to be harder to reproduce the bug.

- mame.exe canonv20 -window
- hold Q with your left hand
- move mouse to outside the window and click so MAME's window lost focus
- let go of Q
- click on MAME window
- Q key is stuck
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Aug 24, 2024, 17:20
This commit resolves it for Windows rawinput (which is the default):
It was due to WM_INPUT events getting either delayed(queued while window is inactive), or keyup events were ignored.

If the issue happens on Linux too as Augusto says, it's up to someone else to look into it, maybe it's a similar cause.
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Aug 28, 2024, 20:36
I did an SDL build on Windows (set OSD=sdl), and couldn't reproduce the bug.

This commit prevents the event queue from filling when the window is inactive on SDL, but I don't think such a thing can be the cause of this bug:
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Sep 13, 2024, 22:25
Can't reproduce it anymore so I suppose it's completely fixed, great work!