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ID Category [?] Severity [?] Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
08816 DIP/Input Minor Always Feb 8, 2024, 00:39 Feb 9, 2024, 20:55
Tester Augusto View Status Public Platform SDLMAME
Assigned To Resolution Open OS Linux (64-bit)
Status [?] Confirmed Driver
Version 0.262 Fixed in Version Build 64-bit
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 08816: truxton: bonus life and region wrong information
Description Enable DIP Switch Display.
Comparing MAME Bonus Life setting and DIP Switch Display Test when you select :

50K 200K 150K+ in test is Extend 50000 , 150000
70K 270K 200K+ in test is Extend 70000 , 200000

Bonus Life can be :
50000 and for each 150000
70000 and for each 200000

In Region setting selecting the second USA value in DIP Switch Display Test show as being Japan.

Strange detail because that game in Japan is named Tatsujin.
Perhaps Toaplan allowing use the international naming Truxton in Japan.
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Affected Sets / Systems truxton
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Senior Tester
Feb 8, 2024, 11:16
for the region stuff the test mode is just wrong.

for the others, it will need verifying against the game.
User avatar
Feb 8, 2024, 18:27
About region you are saying is an bug in game test mode ?

about life bonus I has verified and really is first life in 50000 and an new life for each 150000.
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Feb 9, 2024, 05:04
Confirmed that a discrepancy exists between MAME and the Test Mode.

When that particular Japan setting is chosen the note says: TOAPLAN COINAGE JAPAN FOR JAPAN, however when the game starts it says it's for USA only, and the text is all English. I was not able to locate a full manual for this game, only the dipswitches. The "territory block" must be on another page.

The dip settings from the manual show the scores the same as the test mode does. In fact if you add the numbers together the test mode and MAME agree, it's just that MAME confuses matters by its presentation.

For example "70k and then each further 200k" when added make it the same as 70k 270k 470k etc - so there's no need to verify the scores on a real machine.

I suspect all that's needed is to add a driver note about the regions, and tidy up the display of the needed scores.
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Feb 9, 2024, 20:55
Region set to Japan the texts are in english. Only is changed the title naming for "Tatsujin".
Exact as you say in moment is better add an driver note about that issue.
Perhaps is BTANB.

Bonus Life can be "50000 and every 150000" and "70000 and every 200000" so avoiding confusing.