It happens after the assertion and might be caused by it.
Exception at EIP=018D51C8 (?ym2151_shutdown@@YAXPAX@Z+0x0018): ACCESS VIOLATION
While attempting to read memory at 0000E944
EAX=00000000 EBX=0012FDBC ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000
ESI=0012F094 EDI=0012F8C8 EBP=0012F078 ESP=0012F070
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0 ²\"
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
a}0÷a}7777\r÷a}5\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
1558 auto_free (chip->device->machine, chip);
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0173fee4 in ym2151_shutdown (_chip=0x0) at src/emu/sound/ym2151.c:1558
chip = 0x0
#1 0x016c2d27 in device_stop_ym2151 (device=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/sound/2151intf.c:77
info = 0xbf98d88
#2 0x00c8e6bb in running_device::stop (this=0xbf98ce8)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:460
stop = 0x16c2d05 <device_stop_ym2151(running_device*)>
#3 0x00c8c52b in device_list::stop_all (this=0xbef8ecc)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:131
device = 0xbf98ce8
#4 0x00c8c558 in device_list::static_stop (machine=0xbef8a30)
at src/emu/devintrf.c:137
No locals.
#5 0x00c9457b in mame_execute (options=0xbfe6798) at src/emu/mame.c:361
driver = 0x18d5c20
machine = 0xbef8a30
mame = 0xbef9340
cb = 0xe95b498
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fccc "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000£xu\001(\210?\vå??\002\000²\"\000O??w?\027
?w\000\000\000\000 ²\"\000~fu\001\000\000\000\000.\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, <N
o data fields>}
exit_pending = 0
error = 3
firstgame = 0
firstrun = 1
#6 0x00eff7c5 in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110, osd_options=0x29a35c0)
at src/emu/clifront.c:177
gamename_option = 0xbee8990 "tomcat"
driver = 0x18d5c20
exename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fde8 "mamed", alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "mamed\000exe\000SymGetLineFromAddr64\000s64\000\000\030?
a}\020÷a}\377\377\377\377\r÷a}\035\fM}"}, <No data fields>}
options = 0xbfe6798
result = -1
gamename = {<_astring_base> = {text = 0x22fe28 "tomcat",
alloclen = 56,
smallbuf = "tomcat\000\000?}\000\000?²\"\000$\003b}?\377\"\000\030?a
}?ub}\377\377\377\377?ub}xsb}\000\000Xm\210?\"\000\000\000\000"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
0"}, <No data field
#7 0x00bcfc84 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0xbfe5110)
at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:318
ext = 0x556e54d ".map"
#8 0x017acf4a in wmain (argc=6, argv=0xbfe4c08) at src/osd/windows/main.c:82
i = 6
rc = 14
utf8_argv = 0xbfe5110
#9 0x004013d1 in __tmainCRTStartup () at ../mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:268
fiberid = <value optimized out>
nested = <value optimized out>
lpszCommandLine = <value optimized out>
StartupInfo = {cb = 0, lpReserved = 0x0, lpDesktop = 0x0,
lpTitle = 0x0, dwX = 0, dwY = 0, dwXSize = 0, dwYSize = 0,
dwXCountChars = 0, dwYCountChars = 0, dwFillAttribute = 0,
dwFlags = 0, wShowWindow = 0, cbReserved2 = 0, lpReserved2 = 0x0,
hStdInput = 0x0, hStdOutput = 0x0, hStdError = 0x0}
inDoubleQuote = <value optimized out>
#10 0x7d4e7d42 in KERNEL32!GetDateFormatW ()
from C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\kernel32.dll
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.