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02077 Flip Screen/Cocktail Minor Always Aug 3, 2008, 07:38 20 days ago
Tester Robbbert View Status Public Platform MAME (Self-compiled)
Assigned To hap Resolution Fixed OS
Status [?] Resolved Driver
Version 0.126 Fixed in Version 0.142 Build
Fixed in Git Commit Github Pull Request #
Summary 02077: Some set in galdrvr.c: Sprite cut-off isn't correct for player 2 (cocktail mode)
Description The sprite "rectangle" doesn't turn around when the screen is flipped.

This leads to sprites being cut off near the bottom of the screen when player 2 is playing. Quite noticeable with Moon Cresta, and slightly less so with Galaxian.

With Moon Cresta, unwanted sprites can sit on top of the scores.

See 02074 for some snaps.

Specific examples: froigger, mooncrst, pacmanbl
As explained in notes below.
Steps To Reproduce Play 2-player cocktail mode.
When player 2 comes on, look carefully at the top and bottom.
Additional Information This "fix" works, but is it acceptable?

in video\galaxian.c

in "sprites_draw" function: (old code crossed out)

// clip.min_x = MAX(clip.min_x, galaxian_sprite_clip_start * GALAXIAN_XSCALE);
// clip.max_x = MIN(clip.max_x, (galaxian_sprite_clip_end + 1) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE - 1);

	if (flipscreen_x)
		clip.max_x = (256 - galaxian_sprite_clip_start) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
		clip.min_x = (256 - galaxian_sprite_clip_end - 1) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE + 1;
		clip.min_x = galaxian_sprite_clip_start * GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
		clip.max_x = (galaxian_sprite_clip_end + 1) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE - 1;
Github Commit
Regression Version
Affected Sets / Systems Some set in galdrvr.c
Attached Files
png file icon pacmanbl.png (3,519 bytes) Aug 4, 2008, 02:47
There are no relationship linked to this issue.
User avatar
Aug 3, 2008, 13:28
edited on: Aug 3, 2008, 13:29
When I tried the other bug related 02074, reporting the 1st player having sprite offset, I noticed this in the example game, but the 2nd player (to me) looked fine. You are referencing this bug from snaps from the 1st player offset? I'm confused.
I encourage others to try the galdrvr.c games and report as to offsets they notice and what sets show it.
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Aug 3, 2008, 14:15
edited on: Aug 4, 2008, 01:25
I tested galaxian, uniwars and frogger.
Everything looks fine in P2 cocktail mode here.
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Aug 3, 2008, 21:49
Try pacmanbl, see on the snap, at the top the yellow monster has a part cut off.

In Frogger, it only shows if you jump away from the road and onto the time bar. For player 2, the frog disappears.

The best check is with mooncrst.
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20 days ago
This was fixed on 2011-03-16 by Michaël Banaan Ananas.