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1 - 100 / 8426
IDVersionDriverCategory [?]Severity [?]Status [?]UpdatedSummaryTester
 07796110.226Misc.MinorResolved (crazyc)Nov 24, 2020stdragon: high scores higher than 1.000.000 points are not displayed correctly at the high scores tablercoltrane
 07794120.226DIP/InputMinorAcknowledgedNov 24, 2020All sets in namcofl.cpp: The games lock up if you enter and exit test mode.Hydreigon
 0777820.226Crash/FreezeMajorResolved (Haze)Nov 18, 2020carnivalh, carnivalha: Game crashes after clearing first round.chaneman
 0720050.204DIP/InputMinorAcknowledgedNov 18, 2020Stable Controller IDs for 2 controllers of the same brand.illando
 0295730.129u4GraphicsTrivialConfirmedNov 17, 2020soulclbr, tektagt and clones: Screen is offset by 9 pixels in-gameHeihachi_73
 07790130.226GraphicsMinorResolved (hap)Nov 14, 2020propcycl: Misaligned zoom effect in score entry screenMetalGod
 07786110.226DocumentationTypoResolved (J.J.Boy)Nov 13, 2020karatourj: title suggestion for karatourjJ.J.Boy
 0778940.226Misc.FeatureClosedNov 13, 2020No system type ini for handheldsStHiryu
 07784160.226GameplayMajorResolved (Robbbert)Nov 12, 2020vulgus and clones: gameplay too slow shot the cannon (only UI port)J.J.Boy
 0778720.226GraphicsMajorConfirmedNov 12, 2020MESS-specific cpc6128: Game menu display graphics are corrupted in CPC soccer.StHiryu
 077880.226Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ConfirmedNov 12, 2020MESS-specific cpc6128: Freeze when starting a pinball table in Pinball DreamsStHiryu
 0107040.120SoundMinorResolved (AJR)Nov 10, 2020stadhero: The back ground music should vary randomly inning by inning.-Misc Reporters-
 0775710.224DocumentationTrivialResolved (PepsiBoy428)Nov 10, 2020nbashowt: Incorrect release yearPepsiBoy428
 05877140.159GraphicsMinorAcknowledgedNov 10, 2020outrun and clones: Minor graphics errorMachone
 07717130.222GraphicsMinorResolvedNov 9, 2020renegade,kunio: glitch in both side of screenAugusto
 077830.226DIP/InputMinorResolved (terencew)Nov 9, 2020bowl3d: Function of DIPs labelled as Unused, some unassigned functionsterencew
 07782210.226DocumentationTrivialResolved (Fortuna)Nov 9, 2020ffreveng, ffrevng10: This game present 2 titles for 2 different marketFortuna
 07785110.226DocumentationTypoResolved (J.J.Boy)Nov 9, 2020marukodq: title suggestion for marukodqJ.J.Boy
 0743530.210Save/RestoreMajorResolved (cuavas)Nov 7, 2020Vector: Vector Many games do not return stably from save stateZaghadka
 0570180.154DocumentationTrivialResolved (FMecha)Nov 5, 2020daytona and clones: Hacked versions are not marked bootleg, and some games have "(Japan)" in them despite the region is changeable.FMecha
 0646240.181SoundMinorResolved (galibert)Nov 3, 2020qbert, qbertj, myqbert, qberta, qbertqub: Sound incorrect in all Qbert setsevh347
 00486180.109u4SoundMinorResolvedNov 2, 2020qbertqub: missing sounds because the Q*bert sound roms are being used instead of the Q*bert's Qubes sound roms.sxevious
 0713640.203SoundMinorResolved (Lord Nightmare)Nov 2, 2020mtrap and clones: Digital Audio Priority problemBrad O.
 00003330.103u2Misc.TrivialConfirmedNov 2, 2020goldnaxe3, goldnaxej, passsht: ROM board have two of their four CPU ROMs in common.AWJ
 07611310.220GraphicsMinorConfirmedOct 31, 2020warriorb: Map effect is not synced between game screenssamsho2
 00813160.122u5GraphicsMinorConfirmedOct 31, 2020ninjaw: When the player flash there's a strange black shadow on the screen.robiza
 03829120.137u4GraphicsMinorResolved (jkm900)Oct 31, 2020megaplay: [possible] Text shifted to rightTafoid
 02082140.126u3GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 31, 2020Many sets in megaplay.c: "coin interface" from megaplay remains on-screen and credits never decreaseLastNinja2
 0053520.120u2DIP/InputMinorResolved (Haze)Oct 30, 2020mp_bio: start button doesn't work when you try to continue.LastNinja2
 0688130.194SoundMajorConfirmedOct 30, 2020pairsred: Missing soundM.A.S.H.
 05232220.149GraphicsMinorResolved (mariuszw)Oct 30, 2020multigm2, multigm3, supergm3: Flickering/misplaced graphics in Mario Bros.M.A.S.H.
 0115710.59SoundMinorResolved (Lord Nightmare)Oct 30, 2020mtrap: [possible] Hissing noise playing in the background during the boot-up test and throughout the game.Darkk
 0766630.221Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ConfirmedOct 30, 2020MESS-specific All machines in n64.cpp: [debug] Assert upon startTafoid
 067651100.191Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ConfirmedOct 30, 2020tranqgun: Resets or Crashes on Game Over or if you pass Round 3 - No dipswitchesvidpro1
 0778020.226DIP/InputMinorClosedOct 29, 2020MESS-specific aim65: TTY no longer workingRobbbert
 03181430.131u1GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 28, 2020enigma2: Colors are possibly incorrectTafoid
 07769120.225SoundMajorResolved (Osso)Oct 26, 2020gradius3js: gradius3js sound glitchJ.J.Boy
 00814340.122u6GraphicsMinorConfirmedOct 24, 2020luckywld: Graphic glitches when entering or leaving tunnels.-Misc Reporters-
 07774130.225GraphicsMinorClosedOct 24, 2020ikarijpb: Corrupted Graphics When Player Enters TankFuzi2020
 0667560.189InterfaceCritical (emulator)Resolved (cuavas)Oct 20, 2020UI: Selection of BIOS from a device results in an exception.Tafoid
 0776550.225SoundMinorResolved (aaron)Oct 19, 2020sfrush, sfrushrk and clones: Distorted sound when loading from save stateSteve Coomber
 02508130.127Color/PaletteMinorResolvedOct 18, 2020bagmans: Incorrect colors on Stern/Seeburg logoYonah
 07771120.225GraphicsMinorAcknowledgedOct 13, 2020ncv2: Dig Dug Arrangement Map shows garbage after Level 30vidpro1
 07770140.225SoundMinorAcknowledgedOct 12, 2020MESS-specific cpc6128 [abusimbl]: Sound effect in Abu Simbel Profanation doesn't play well.StHiryu
 0687140.194GameplayMajorResolvedOct 12, 2020all games in twinkle.cpp: Offsync in all songs in beatmania IIDXlauncherEXE
 0632020.175CoreMinorResolved (cuavas)Oct 11, 2020MESS-specific any computer with lx800 printer: Various problems when using centronics printersRobbbert
 07763140.225DIP/InputMinorClosedOct 10, 2020'Constant drift' when trackball analog assigned to gamepad analog stickbrainskis
 07597160.219Save/RestoreMinorConfirmedOct 7, 2020kchampvs3: Inp file playback gets out of sync right after finishing the game with 1ccrcoltrane
 06301180.175DIP/InputMajorConfirmedOct 7, 2020renegade: [possible] Input file not working properly - playback lostrcoltrane
 05026340.147GraphicsMajorConfirmedOct 7, 2020exctscc2: graphic glitches maybe priority issuesea7
 077661N/AMisc.MinorClosedOct 6, 2020tsamurai, tsamurai2, tsamuraih: Incorrect screen aspect ratio using artwork.Wayder
 0023640.104u1SoundMinorConfirmedOct 5, 2020airduelm72: On the pcb ONLY if you insert coins during the disclaimer, the FM music and sounds miss like in mame.Kold666
 013191N/ASoundMinorResolvedOct 5, 2020airduel: No sound and music after a reset (F3).-Misc Reporters-
 05438280.152SoundMinorAcknowledgedOct 4, 20201942 & clones, nemesis & clones, possibly others: Incorrect AY-3-8910 loadsAce
 0741020.213InterfaceMinorResolved (cuavas)Oct 4, 2020verifyroms: romset may report as bad if checksums are same as parenthap
 07762120.225GameplayMajorResolved (AJR)Oct 2, 2020MESS-specific pdp1: Unable to load or run a game since being recently worked onRobbbert
 07719150.222DIP/InputMinorClosedOct 1, 2020indytemp: inp playback issuercoltrane
 07761170.223Save/RestoreMajorClosedOct 1, 2020ikarijp: INP playback out of syncrcoltrane
 07754290.223Save/RestoreMinorClosedOct 1, 2020nrallyx: INP playback does not work (out of sync)rcoltrane
 07712130.222GameplayMajorAcknowledgedSep 29, 2020MESS-specific psu [revil2]: Game doesn't react to buttons pressing at the save/load screen.VasiliyFamiliya
 0775660.224InterfaceMajorResolved (cuavas)Sep 27, 2020UI: ROM sets incorrectly reported as not found.VasiliyFamiliya
 0775520.224GraphicsMinorResolved (AJR)Sep 25, 2020MESS-specific pc1512: descenders on bottom line are missingRobbbert
 0775820.224GraphicsMinorResolved (AJR)Sep 25, 2020MESS-specific applix: descenders on bottom line are missingRobbbert
 07752130.224GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 22, 2020sf2ce: Graphic corruption on fireball on ending attract modediplo
 07748100.224Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ClosedSep 18, 2020windheat, windheatj, windheatu, windheata: The emulator hangs on "Don't touch the steering wheel" screen.alphabeta2
 07753120.224Crash/FreezeMinorClosedSep 18, 2020MESS-specific sun4_60, sun4_65: Unable to boot from cdrom with sun4_60, sun4_65, and other setsrobnielsen
 0775120.224DIP/InputTrivialAcknowledgedSep 18, 2020MESS-specific intlc440: Keys used to dismiss the info/warning screens are passed to emulated machinecuavas
 0774710.224GraphicsMinorConfirmedSep 18, 2020MESS-specific genesis [sharrier, sharrierj]: Corrupt graphics on bottom scanlinekmg
 0737520.211InterfaceMinorResolved (cuavas)Sep 18, 2020clickable artwork: Rotating view does not rotate clickable parthap
 0774230.224SoundMinorAcknowledgedSep 18, 2020cabal, cabalus, cabalus2: [possible] Startup test sound fx delay is very longAugusto
 07744130.224GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 18, 2020Graphic gray shadow or blurring when the color in an area is white in some gamesAugusto
 0775010.224DocumentationTrivialResolved (Tafoid)Sep 15, 2020MESS-specific megadriv [chester, chesterw]: Incorrect release yearArcadeShadow
 0774910.224SoundMajorResolved (AJR)Sep 15, 2020cyberbal, cyberbalt: Sampled audio does not play.Zach S.
 0773460.224GameplayMinorAcknowledgedSep 13, 2020tacscan: Sega Gremlin Vector game Tac-Scan Playback almost 1/2 the normal game speed on the 3D 2nd level.vidpro1
 0774550.224GraphicsMinorResolved (cuavas)Sep 12, 2020MAME Gameplay position is offset when Windows taskbar is moved to top of screenjamesm
 07186430.205GameplayMajorConfirmedSep 9, 2020area51mx, maxforce (and its clones): Maximum Force: Garbage graphics and attract mode freeze after a standard Game Over screen.alphabeta2
 07431110.213GraphicsMinorResolved (cuavas)Sep 9, 2020MESS-specific md6802: Layout not working correctlyTafoid
 07532330.217DIP/InputMinorAcknowledgedSep 8, 2020pacman, pacplus, mspacman, puckman and most varients.: DIPS 7 & 8 are incorrectly labeled.chaneman
 07741140.224GameplayTrivialClosedSep 7, 2020sharrier and clones: Location test text appears when you resume after dyingNekoEd
 077320.223SoundMinorAcknowledgedSep 5, 2020MESS-specific ct486: Speech sound seems delayed or cutted (possible bug)ArcadeShadow
 0773710.224Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)AcknowledgedSep 5, 2020drgw2: Game hangs after you complete some levelsPFnix
 077390.108DIP/InputMinorAcknowledgedSep 5, 2020aburner2: Secret command inputWayder
 07731440.223Misc.TrivialAcknowledgedSep 4, 2020All sets in zr107.cpp: Mask rom tests as badHydreigon
 0550130.153Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (hap)Sep 2, 2020golgo13, g13knd: After initial screen on boot, nothing but black screenTafoid
 0773510.224DocumentationTrivialResolved (ArcadeShadow)Aug 31, 2020MESS-specific [megadriv] ddragon: Incorrect release yearArcadeShadow
 077330.224InterfaceMinorResolved (AJR)Aug 30, 2020galaga (others?): Console output no longer shows for LEDs-Misc Reporters-
 0772430.223Save/RestoreMinorResolved (Osso)Aug 30, 2020sfrush, sfrushrk and clones:: No sound when loading from save stateSteve Coomber
 0268440.128u4SoundMinorResolvedAug 30, 2020spacfury: Sound plays too fastMAMEBase
 07338280.209DIP/InputMinorResolved (Robbbert)Aug 27, 2020MESS-specific crvision: Creativision has a 16 way joystick, not an 8 way joystickCheshirenoir
 0105220.73SoundMinorConfirmedAug 24, 2020rollerg: The sound channels should be adjusted.-Misc Reporters-
 03228120.131u3Misc.TrivialResolved (AJR)Aug 22, 2020revx: Custom chip fails in POSTNekoEd
 0710320.200DocumentationMinorResolved (aaron)Aug 20, 2020tacscan: Tac-Scan Sega Universal Sound Board Emulationvidpro1
 0772520.222DIP/InputMinorAcknowledgedAug 19, 2020gunforc2, geostorm: Wrong difficulty setting "very easy", should be shown as "hardest"Leeloo
 07728180.222Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedAug 19, 2020MESS-specific apple2p: Crash trying to run the game mounted as floppy diskrcoltrane
 071410.203SpeedMinorResolved (Robbbert)Aug 19, 2020MESS-specific laser500: speed is faster than real machinenippur72
 07094120.201Media SupportMajorResolved (Robbbert)Aug 19, 2020MESS-specific laser500: cassette WAV files cannot be loaded/saved from/to a real machinenippur72
 077290.223DIP/InputMajorResolved (AJR)Aug 16, 2020bowl3d: Unable to creditTafoid
 0761350.220SoundTrivialAcknowledgedAug 14, 2020mk3: [possible] Audio LoopsAndrew
 07711150.222Media SupportMajorAcknowledgedAug 14, 2020MESS-specific ct486: Read 5.25" HD Floppy Disk in a 3.5" HD Floppy driveArcadeShadow
 0772610.223Crash/FreezeMajorConfirmedAug 12, 2020MESS-specific t1000rl, t1000sl2: ROM DeskMate fails to loadJustin Kerk