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1 - 100 / 8427
IDVersionDriverCategory [?]Severity [?]Status [?]UpdatedSummaryTester
 0712640.202Color/PaletteMinorResolved (M.A.S.H.)Oct 27, 2018yosakdon: Yosaku to donbei, original game had coloursMetalGod
 071100.202DIP/InputMinorResolved (Kale)Oct 27, 2018tdfever: The "Allow Continue" dipswitch is reversed.Zach S.
 01510130.123u5GameplayMinorResolvedOct 27, 2018yosakdon: screen is not entirely refreshed after playing a gameRansAckeR
 07125150.202GameplayMajorClosedOct 25, 2018kof96, kof97, kof98: The timer during the meetings, now in 00 starts from 99 as if there were the "cheat" of the infinite active time.AntoPISA
 0120040.64GameplayMinorClosedOct 25, 2018nbajamte, possibly other nbajam games: [possible] When playing and just selecting the Suns as is, so you are Majerle.-Misc Reporters-
 071240.202DocumentationMinorResolved (Tafoid)Oct 24, 2018MESS-specific megadriv [rrash3]: Incorrect Title NameArcadeShadow
 0119920.80u1SoundMinorResolvedOct 23, 2018narc: On the bridge level, you hear dog bark sounds all throughout the level, though they only appear visually for a brief moment.-Misc Reporters-
 00746120.60GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 23, 2018jdreddp: There is a priority problem with the sewer gate & and the woman walking in the background.DCisTHEbest
 0074710.37b5SpeedMinorConfirmedOct 23, 2018nbajam: When you the glass shatters, the game should slow down.-Misc Reporters-
 0115820.37b5SoundMinorClosedOct 23, 2018mk2: Occasionally when watching attract mode, the music speeds up and plays at a very fast tempo.-Misc Reporters-
 03037140.130GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 23, 2018gangwars: Small graphics glitch on stage 1Smitdogg
 0712230.202SoundMajorClosedOct 22, 2018xmen: Audio from K054539 incredibly quiet while audio from YM2151 is too loudPlanestate
 0712310.202DocumentationMinorResolved (Tafoid)Oct 20, 2018MESS-specific megadriv [dstrike]: Incomplete title nameArcadeShadow
 05939270.161SpeedMinorConfirmedOct 20, 2018prehisle, gensitou, prehislek, prehisleu: Wrong speedabelardator2
 0418720.141SoundMinorConfirmedOct 20, 2018colmns97: Missing soundM.A.S.H.
 00430120.61GraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Oct 20, 2018mx5000: It has some priority problems.Kale
 07121210.202GraphicsMinorClosedOct 20, 2018finalapr*: Missing some graphicsjkm900
 0711520.202SoundMinorResolved (ctr)Oct 17, 2018spf2t (qsound): Distortion of sound effects mainly in left sound channel of spf2tkujina
 07111120.202GraphicsMinorResolved (hap)Oct 17, 2018dirtdash: Glitch with a speedometer graphics.VasiliyFamiliya
 06164130.171GraphicsMinorResolved (hap)Oct 17, 2018ridgerac: Missing title screen graphics from second time onwardKale
 061993280.173SoundMinorResolved (Calamity)Oct 16, 2018mspacman: Enabling -refreshspeed causes audio distortion (using xaudio2)denzilla
 01098150.61GameplayMinorResolvedOct 16, 2018plumppop: If you jump on a cloud that holds a box, points are shown but not awarded.-Misc Reporters-
 00793110.56DIP/InputTrivialResolvedOct 16, 2018blswhstl: [possible] Minor input bug.-Misc Reporters-
 0661620.186Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedOct 14, 2018MESS-specific coco3 [arkanoid]: 32k CoCo3 cartridges such as Arkanoid do not run under CoCo 3 emulationstar2root
 06602100.186InterfaceMajorResolvedOct 14, 2018MESS-specific coco, coco2, coco3: Multiple user interface issuesstar2root
 0304030.130SpeedMinorConfirmedOct 12, 2018soulclbr and clones: Game speed issueLastNinja2
 0111430.118u4SoundMinorConfirmedOct 12, 2018polepos2: When you start with full gas in the Namco version you can hear the tyres screeching, in the Atari version not.Kold666
 00098320.72GraphicsMinorConfirmedOct 12, 2018metmqstr, nmaster: There is a line at the bottom of some screens that needs to be clipped or is slightly off.Karasu
 0708810.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (pmackinlay)Oct 11, 2018MESS-specific ip6000, ip6700, ip6800: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: delta == (target - exec->m_localtime).as_attoseconds()Tafoid
 07113210.202GraphicsMinorConfirmedOct 10, 2018tailg: Shield 'animation' missing?zaxxon
 0075160.37b5SoundMinorResolvedOct 9, 2018umk3: Scorpion's 'Get over here!' sample gets cut in half.MC68K
 0711210.202GraphicsMajorConfirmedOct 6, 2018MESS-specific megadriv [bighurt]: Graphics error at title screenArcadeShadow
 0120920.64SoundMinorResolved (AJR)Oct 5, 2018gstriker: The music only plays in the first match.-Misc Reporters-
 00203120.110u5SoundMinorResolved (Mamesick)Oct 5, 2018perfrman: There are some speed problems with the music.Stefan Lindberg
 0117430.55SoundMinorResolvedOct 5, 2018nightstr: [possible] It sounds like as the effects/music in e.g. nightstr plays only on one side-Misc Reporters-
 06171160.171CoreMinorResolved (Ryan Holtz)Oct 5, 2018Specialized ini file settings get retained on a second game launch, instead of using raster.ini or mame.iniZaghadka
 0120410.116u1Misc.MinorResolvedOct 5, 2018lemmings: [possible] On level 4 and some others, the draw order seems to be off on the exits.-Misc Reporters-
 01105110.106u2GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 3, 2018drgnunit: In the 1st level, when the main character moves between the two game layers, sprite priority fails.Kekule
 06448110.180GraphicsMinorResolved (smf)Oct 3, 2018psyvaria, psyvarrv: Glitched stage clear graphicsBPzeBanshee
 00431110.104u7GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 2, 2018firetrap: The giant fireball appears cut for some instant.Scuore
 01137130.60GraphicsMinorResolvedOct 2, 2018umk3: [possible] In the 'church' background, the shadows disappear behind the 2nd background layer.Jonemaan
 0615730.171GraphicsMinorResolved (Haze)Sep 27, 2018jojo, jojoba and clones: Missing 2P combo meter graphics.3xcl4m4t10n
 0710910.201SoundMinorAcknowledgedSep 27, 2018cobram3: Cobra Command Laserdisc Game on Gottlieb Mach 3 Hardware AY-3-8912 sound issue sounds cut out.vidpro1
 0708130.201Crash/FreezeMajorResolved (AmatCoder)Sep 26, 2018MESS-specific cpc6128: Certain working disks in older releases won't runStHiryu
 0702110.198DIP/InputMajorResolved (hap)Sep 19, 2018MESS-specific laser500: Reset key is not mappednippur72
 00146170.122u5GraphicsMinorConfirmedSep 18, 2018warriorb, darius2d: In "Dual Side by side-Gapless" mode, resize the window to reappear the gap.Iaspis
 065021160.182GraphicsMinorResolved (cuavas)Sep 17, 2018powerins, powerinsj: background sprites issuesAugusto
 0116530.37b8GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 17, 2018psychic5: The first time the fires are shown in demo mode (right after a reset), they are static, not animated.Bugfinder
 0699120.198Crash/FreezeMajorResolved (AJR)Sep 17, 2018swa: crash with access violation after a whileRobbbert
 00188210.102GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 17, 2018powerdrv: Graphic glitches.RansAckeR
 0032420.106u1GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 17, 2018joust2: [possible] Go through the service mode and after the switch test, there is only a black screen.-Misc Reporters-
 00263120.98u1GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 16, 2018lghost: After the 1st loop of level demos, the 2nd loop hotel demo (2nd stage) is glitched.Karasu
 0011320.94u1SpeedMinorResolvedSep 16, 2018lghost: The strange 'hiccup' about 10 seconds into the first level.Karasu
 03566130.135GameplayMajorConfirmedSep 13, 2018kiwame: [possible] Broken RNG?nightsoil
 06149110.171SpeedMajorAcknowledgedSep 12, 2018diehard, dnmtdeka: Huge slowdown during quicktime eventsSolstar
 0032310.106u2Flip Screen/CocktailTrivialConfirmedSep 12, 2018kroozr: Cocktail DIP doesn't work and whenever cocktail mode is supported player 2 keys are not mapped.-Misc Reporters-
 03377150.133u1GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 12, 2018tron: In MCP cone stage, text layer appears behind Tron spriteLuigi30
 06258130.174GraphicsMinorResolved (smf)Sep 12, 2018usagi: Weird background color for score recapKale
 00348120.111u5Flip Screen/CocktailMinorConfirmedSep 10, 2018blocken: Flip Screen graphics are messed up.-Misc Reporters-
 0285940.129u2SoundMinorResolvedSep 9, 2018duckhunt: Missing duck sound.M.A.S.H.
 0517130.148u1GameplayMinorClosedSep 8, 2018bucky and clones: Wrong bonus lifeScagazza
 01142110.57GraphicsMinorResolvedSep 7, 2018mhavoc: Some graphics appear out of place.Smitdogg
 00940530.37b15GraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Sep 7, 2018m660: Graphic problem.-Misc Reporters-
 07097130.201InterfaceMinorClosedSep 7, 2018UI: Selecting second BIOS entry for nss.cpp or naomi.cpp results in an exceptionM.A.S.H.
 07096120.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (AJR)Sep 6, 2018All sets in micro3d.cpp: Hang during the boot processM.A.S.H.
 07076280.200GraphicsMinorResolved (jkm900)Sep 6, 2018tengaij, tengai and maybe more: [possible] Bad glitch graphic on some stagesDubaiShark
 0709510.197SpeedMinorClosedSep 6, 2018diehard, dnmtdeka: SlownessMetalGod
 0709110.201DIP/InputMajorResolved (AJR)Sep 6, 2018sgunner2, sgunner2j: Player 1 and Player 2 Coin buttons missingMetalGod
 01150120.100u2GraphicsMinorResolved (Robbbert)Sep 6, 2018indytemp: [possible] When one of the guards is whipped, it's as is the sprite is drawn in the wrong place for a single frame since 0.80.-Misc Reporters-
 0696750.197Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Robbbert)Sep 6, 2018MESS-specific canonv30f: [debug] Assertion Failed! m_entrymap.find(name) == m_entrymap.end()Tafoid
 05904310.160GraphicsMinorResolved (Haze)Sep 6, 2018sshangha, sshanghaj: Sprite priority bug with the ingame message boxesizius
 07074270.200GraphicsMinorResolved (kunikuni)Sep 6, 2018drgnbstr: The title logo is not displayed correctly.kunikuni
 0699870.197InterfaceMinorResolved (Robbbert)Sep 6, 2018MESS-specific software lists titles directories not workingrsarson
 0709230.192DIP/InputMajorResolved (AJR)Sep 6, 2018targeth, targeth10, targetha: Player2 controls not working. Y axis broken, X axis invertedMetalGod
 06020340.164Color/PaletteMinorResolved (Haze)Sep 5, 2018sshangha, sshanghab, sshanghaj: Black sprites in some cutscenesizius
 070860.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Osso)Sep 4, 2018MESS-specific r9751: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: m_functions.empty()Tafoid
 0708510.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (cuavas)Sep 2, 2018Most machines in mcr.cpp, mcr3.cpp: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: m_targetTafoid
 0709010.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (cuavas)Sep 2, 2018tenpindx: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: !fmt.format_at_end(it)Tafoid
 0708710.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (cuavas)Sep 2, 2018MESS-specific a400, a400pal, a800, a800pal: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: !this->m_resolvedTafoid
 0708910.201Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (cuavas)Sep 2, 2018Assorted machines in aristmk4.cpp, bagman.cpp, gts3a.cpp, mac.cpp, pacman.cpp, others: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: fulltag[0] == ':'Tafoid
 0687410.194GameplayCritical (emulation)Resolved (tedgreen)Sep 2, 2018blitz: hangs on a black screen if the power on self test is enabledGeekyFerret
 0708250.201DIP/InputMinorClosedSep 2, 2018neogeo: Start button states are backwardNightvoice
 07080140.201Misc.MinorClosedAug 31, 2018otenamhf: Game doesn't start after loading PCMCIA CardM.A.S.H.
 05059130.147u2DocumentationTrivialResolved (-Misc Reporters-)Aug 31, 2018Games with wrong year listedD Go Go Fan
 01006120.58GraphicsMinorResolvedAug 30, 2018sidepckt: Sometimes there's a glitch when a player tryes to hit a ball, only for a frame or two.-Misc Reporters-
 0588110.159DocumentationTypoResolved (-Misc Reporters-)Aug 27, 2018rctycn and all clones: Description wrongAntoPISA
 01926740.125u6Color/PaletteTrivialClosedAug 26, 2018gunlock, rayforce, rayforcej: Background color of an item panel is different subtly.tasuku
 00062110.121u1GraphicsMinorResolvedAug 26, 2018gradius3: [possible] Stage 9's background is broken.fostar
 046621150.145SpeedMinorResolved (AWJ)Aug 25, 2018tgm2, tgm2p: Wrong framerate/refresh ratemuf
 07069330.200Cheat SystemTrivialResolved (AJR)Aug 13, 2018"On/Off" color is incorrect on "AutoFire Status" screen.kunikuni
 0707320.200DIP/InputMajorResolved (AJR)Aug 10, 2018popbounc: start buttons don't workRobbbert
 00867440.118SoundMinorResolvedAug 10, 2018twineagl: The music chopped in MAME.Gyrovision
 0288150.129u2Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ConfirmedAug 9, 2018thunderj: Thunderjaws sometimes resets during gameplay.Machone
 070700.200GraphicsMinorConfirmedAug 7, 2018sc2cops, sc2gcclb, sc2luvv, sc2ofool and clones: Layout default has changedTafoid
 0706220.200GraphicsMinorResolvedAug 6, 2018sf2cems6b sf2cems6c: Pressing 1P/2P start during match massively dims screendiplo
 0706810.200SoundMinorResolved (Robbbert)Aug 5, 2018targ, spectar: New Spectar samplesvidpro1
 070670.200SoundMinorResolved (Robbbert)Aug 5, 2018targ, spectar: Spectar explosion samples short and long are called incorrectly.vidpro1
 07065110.200SoundMinorResolvedAug 4, 2018gangwars, gangwarsu and gangwarsj: Player 1 wrong voice finishing a stage or using continueAugusto
 07063110.200GraphicsMinorResolvedAug 4, 2018gangwars, gangwarsu and gangwarsj: sprite moving glitchAugusto
 0706110.199Misc.FeatureAcknowledgedAug 4, 2018llander: no indicator about game selectionmr_me