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Viewing Issues
1 - 100 / 8431
IDVersionDriverCategory [?]Severity [?]Status [?]UpdatedSummaryTester
 03126190.130u2GameplayMinorResolved (Haze)May 6, 2009sbishi: When Player 2 plays alone, strange things happen.nightsoil
 03143110.131GraphicsMinorResolved (Reip)May 5, 2009screwloo: screwy graphics area on one screenreesal
 0314110.131Misc.FeatureClosedMay 2, 2009All Sets in galdrvr.c: Driver visible resolution is incorrectsxevious
 0313810.131Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedMay 2, 2009usagi: Test menu doesn't workLastNinja2
 0313910.131GraphicsCritical (emulation)ClosedMay 1, 2009captaven, captavnu: Captain America Graphics issue in stage 2 of the gamecolosusmania
 031330.131CoreTrivialConfirmedApr 30, 2009stunrun: Fails video shift register testLuigi30
 0313120.127Misc.MajorClosedApr 30, 2009SDLMAME window steals mouse pointermbarnes
 0312910.131DIP/InputMinorResolved (etabeta)Apr 29, 2009xmen: Directional controls re-arrangedmikeveli20
 03125230.131GraphicsMinorConfirmedApr 27, 2009all games in usgames.c: [possible] Visible area is too large verticallyLuigi30
 0106720.55DocumentationMinorConfirmedApr 27, 2009kurikinta: This one is for sure a prototype.Kale
 004870.69Misc.MinorResolved (Kale)Apr 26, 2009groundfx: It has wrong default NVRAM settings, especially about the lap number (1) and the coin/credit settings (1/2).Kale
 0289810.129u3Misc.MinorResolvedApr 26, 2009m4tst2: mpu4utst errors in-game with PIA I.C. 3 ALARMLuigi30
 03124220.131Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedApr 25, 2009superpac: Super Pac-Man doesn't bootLuigi30
 0294830.129u4SoundMajorResolvedApr 24, 2009asurabld, asurabus: No sound is playedarael86
 0311030.130u4Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedApr 23, 2009megat4st: Fails to boot with a "Key Question Set Error"Luigi30
 019921110.126Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)Resolved (robiza)Apr 23, 2009timecrisa, timecris: SubCPU start wait fails testt800
 019360.125u8DIP/InputMajorResolved (robiza)Apr 23, 2009All namcos21.c sets: Unable to locate input port 'AN7'Firewave
 0137240.62GraphicsMinorResolvedApr 23, 2009pkunwar: There is a priority issue with some objects and the match results.Firewave
 0310420.130u3GraphicsMajorResolved (Reip)Apr 23, 2009captaven and clones: No enemies appear in the second phase.umbrio
 02822140.129MultisessionCritical (emulator)ClosedApr 23, 2009mwalk: Crash when starting second gameTafoid
 03119220.130u4GraphicsMinorClosedApr 23, 2009berzerk, frenzy: Colors except for green are too darkLuigi30
 023991N/AKnown Issues/To-Do'sMinorResolvedApr 23, 2009qmhayaku: Sound CPU is running at 4MHz in real machine.-MAME Source-
 0162620.124aDocumentationFeatureResolved (aaron)Apr 23, 2009Add state support for all driving games with gearshifts to display using artwork systemMr. Do
 0311360.130u4GameplayMinorResolved (aaron)Apr 23, 200988games: The score is not displayed correctlyScagazza
 0311820.130u2DIP/InputFeatureClosedApr 23, 2009All Sets in bishi.c: Labels for input buttons are misleadingnightsoil
 0311510.130u4GraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Apr 22, 2009nss_smw: Tilemap issue when displaying game mapTafoid
 0311120.130DIP/InputMinorResolved (derrickr)Apr 21, 2009"Autocenter" active on Analog Inputs.SailorSat
 0083030.95GameplayMinorResolvedApr 21, 2009mk: The "Order Your Mortal Kombat Collector's Edition Comic Book" page is not showed correctly.-Misc Reporters-
 0033820.111u5DIP/InputTrivialConfirmedApr 21, 2009schmeisr: Tilt key is not mapped.-Misc Reporters-
 0311210.130u4Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedApr 20, 2009kinst, kinst2, area51, area51a, jdredd: jdreddb: DIFF CHD Error: Unsupported CHD Versionamrik77
 007670.122u8DIP/InputMinorResolved (derrickr)Apr 19, 2009bshark, bsharkj: Analog stick input is broken since 0.112u4.-Misc Reporters-
 03082130.130u2GraphicsMajorResolvedApr 19, 2009starblad: No polygons displayed.Fujix
 0307020.130u1DIP/InputMinorResolved (etabeta)Apr 16, 2009harddriv, racedriv, steeltal and clones: Games map some P1 inputs to P2 controlsetabeta
 031051130.130DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Apr 16, 2009quizmeku: Year is listed as 1994, but title screen shows 1992.Braille
 031060.130u3SoundMinorResolved (Kale)Apr 12, 2009mouja: Sound Effects/Voice missingTafoid
 030650.130u1Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (aaron)Apr 11, 2009All sets in namcos12.c: [debug] MAME asserts during load timeetabeta
 030690.130u1Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (aaron)Apr 11, 2009All sets in midzeus.c: [debug] MAME asserts during load timeetabeta
 00982110.36b6GameplayMinorResolvedApr 10, 2009wbml: End credits are missing.-Misc Reporters-
 03098140.130u2Color/PaletteMinorResolvedApr 10, 2009all sets in mcatadv.c: Palette regressionhotgraphics
 0103020.57Side-by-sideMinorResolved (aaron)Apr 10, 2009starjack: "Star Jacker" side-by-side test.Gary Walton
 01077120.57DocumentationTypoClosedApr 9, 2009starjack: You can see the game info (Devs list and release date) if you do this trick.stephh
 0098310.54GraphicsMinorResolved (aaron)Apr 9, 2009pitfall2: Once you lose your last life, any object not in the background shows up on the high score and continue screens.Pika163
 00257110.37b7GraphicsMinorResolved (aaron)Apr 9, 2009wbmlb, wbmljb: When the player sprite reaches the right side of the playfield, some garbage gfx appear on the left side.Frotz
 00256220.37b7GraphicsMinorResolved (aaron)Apr 9, 2009seganinj: Sprites leaving on the left side on the screen aren't clipped properly.Frotz
 03097240.130GameplayMajorAcknowledgedApr 8, 2009jsk: [possible] Game will not allow an apparently valid checkmating movenightsoil
 0310030.130u2Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedApr 8, 2009blitz2k, sfrush, wg3hd, carnevil: DIFF CHD Error: Unsupported CHD VersionEndaar
 0154950.123u5GameplayTrivialResolvedApr 8, 2009astrof, astrof2, sstarbtl: Player 1 score increase during demo playGermano
 0308720.130u2GraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Apr 7, 2009daireika: Graphic artifacts on attract mode.Kale
 0309310.130u2GraphicsMinorResolved (robiza)Apr 6, 2009mazinger: the boss of 4th level is blackrobiza
 0309460.130u2CoreMajorClosedApr 5, 2009ddp2: game audits fine but doesn't load: wrong rom information?mux
 0299940.129u6DIP/InputMajorResolved (etabeta)Apr 5, 2009taotaidoa: need more 3 buttonsJ.J.Boy
 0309630.130u1DIP/InputMajorResolvedApr 5, 2009golgo13, g13knd: Cannot use inputs during ingame, they works in the "select mission" screen.asper
 00876260.37b2Color/PaletteMinorResolvedApr 3, 2009ssi: During bonus stage (cow kidnapping), UFO explosions seem to have some wrong colors.YMI
 0309220.130u2SoundMinorResolved (Haze)Apr 3, 2009spuzbobl: Some sound samples are being played indefinitelymux
 0116320.37b3DIP/InputMinorResolved (etabeta)Apr 3, 2009popbounc: MAME doesn't support paddle input.TriggerFin
 0306380.130u1Misc.TrivialResolvedApr 2, 2009psyvaria, psyvarrv, usagi, nightrai, xiistag: Some G-Net cards were dumped without restoring them to defaults firstdead_screem
 021870.127u1DocumentationTypoResolved (etabeta)Apr 2, 2009All games of "Technos": Fix for manufacturer.Fujix
 025582N/AGraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Apr 1, 2009Graphic priority is not fully understood.-MAME Source-
 0059830.119u3DIP/InputMajorResolved (etabeta)Apr 1, 2009popbounc: Regardless of whether the "paddle" or "joystick" option is activated in the dipswitch, the controls are broken.-Misc Reporters-
 0308540.130GraphicsMajorConfirmedMar 31, 200910yard: Deep touchdown passes cause the text graphics to go haywire.erik_t
 0255711N/AGraphicsMinorResolved (Kale)Mar 30, 2009All games in jalmah.c: There are square gaps during gameplay.-MAME Source-
 0290620.129u3DebuggerFeatureClosedMar 30, 2009All sets in segaxbd.c: Disassembling more than F0000 crashes MAME with an "Out of Timers!" errorLuigi30
 00947210.60GraphicsMinorResolved (robiza)Mar 30, 2009batsugun: At the level 4 boss there's a sprite problem.Jonemaan
 0307220.128DIP/InputMajorClosedMar 29, 2009balonfgt: Can't start 2 player gameTheShanMan
 0256230.127u8InterfaceFeatureResolved (derrickr)Mar 29, 2009Ability to choose arbitrarily named crosshair picturesJoJo
 023822N/AGraphicsMinorResolvedMar 28, 2009peke1012: Bad ROM dump causes graphics glitches-MAME Source-
 0297780.129u5Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Haze)Mar 28, 2009rdft2j2: Access ViolationTafoid
 030710.130u1SoundMinorResolved (Phil Bennett)Mar 28, 2009tndrcade tndrcadej: music problemmoa
 0102030.61DIP/InputTrivialConfirmedMar 27, 2009taito_z.c, taito_f3.c. topspeed.c. sshangha.c: List of drivers which need PORT_IMPULSE.Kale
 0217220.127u1DIP/InputMinorResolved (etabeta)Mar 27, 2009some driving games: MAME allocates Player 2 - 4 inputs for deficient Player 1 inputs.Fujix
 0217620.127u1DIP/InputTrivialClosedMar 27, 2009harddriv and clones, racedriv and clones: Steering wheel analog input and Shifter X analog input mapped to same keyLuigi30
 0305530.130InterfaceFeatureConfirmedMar 27, 2009Verbose mode should state where MAME looks for filesAndersH
 0305130.130InterfaceMinorClosedMar 26, 2009OSD:s broken after window resizeAndersH
 0306810.130u1DIP/InputTrivialResolved (Tafoid)Mar 25, 2009leprechn: Lives are incorrect in Dip SettingsTafoid
 0302420.130DIP/InputTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009jrpacmbl: All inputs perform wrong function in-gamehyrulian
 02972110.129u5DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009shuttlei: Year is listed as 197?, confirmed as 1979.incog
 0297810.129u5DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009suprgolf: Year is listed as 19??, confirmed as 1989.incog
 02970110.129u5DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009sfbonus, sfbonusd1, sfbonuso, sfbonuso2, sfbonusv1: The year is 2003 according to the attract mode.incog
 02968110.129u5DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009parrot3: The year is 2003 according to the attract mode.incog
 02969110.129u5DocumentationTrivialResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009parrot3b1: The year is 2004 according to the attract mode.incog
 0286440.129u2GameplayMinorResolvedMar 25, 2009pleiads, capitol: 'Hyperspace' button not connectedMAMEBase
 0302920.130DIP/InputMinorResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009jitsupro, kazan, p47, rodland, stdragon and clones: "Demo sounds" dip-switch invertedMetalliC
 03042110.130u1DocumentationMinorResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009mjclub: Dip-Switch settings for mjclubKale
 03031140.130DIP/InputMajorResolved (etabeta)Mar 25, 2009seganinj and clones: Player 1 button 3 not presentFortuna
 0305820.130DocumentationFeatureClosedMar 23, 2009Include docs/FAQ.txt in the distributionsAndersH
 0305320.130InterfaceFeatureClosedMar 23, 2009"UI cancel" and "Exit" should not be hard-wired to the same inputAndersH
 0305610.130InterfaceFeatureClosedMar 23, 2009Wish: locale-sensitive definitions of keyboard mappingAndersH
 0305720.130DocumentationFeatureClosedMar 23, 2009Include docs/how-to-build in the src distributionAndersH
 0305910.130DocumentationFeatureClosedMar 23, 2009-prescale has no effect with -window ? (If so, it should be documented)AndersH
 0306010.130GraphicsTrivialClosedMar 23, 2009prescaling is costlyAndersH
 0304930.130Crash/FreezeMinorClosedMar 22, 2009MAME degrades the stability of the operating systemAndersH
 0305010.130GraphicsMinorClosedMar 22, 2009Aborting/killing mame leaves rogue graphics windowAndersH
 0306110.130CoreTrivialClosedMar 22, 2009Extreme frameskip with -nothrottleAndersH
 030480.130u1SoundMinorResolved (Phil Bennett)Mar 21, 2009equites and clone: strange noise ingameFortuna
 0303510.130Save/RestoreMinorResolved (couriersud)Mar 21, 2009frogg, froggermc: Autosave does not work correctlyTafoid
 00298110.57SoundMinorResolved (couriersud)Mar 19, 2009atlantis, scramble: The volume of the pulse noise too high and you can not hear the shoot sound.M.A.S.H.
 0301740.130Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)Resolved (Phil Bennett)Mar 19, 2009bmfinal: crash after cutting edge logoLazyMan
 028753250.124u5SoundMajorResolved (couriersud)Mar 19, 2009Any Game that uses AY-3-8910: Envelope Fix causes notes tones to be played back incorrectlyvidpro1
 0302750.130DIP/InputMajorClosedMar 17, 2009revx: The Controls for target of gun keeps going back to the center of the screen and stays there. Happens in Gun Caliberation also.georgc3
 0303220.130Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ClosedMar 16, 2009vendetta: showing "13b bad", then reboot, the game can't start.emuman