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1 - 100 / 8427
IDVersionDriverCategory [?]Severity [?]Status [?]UpdatedSummaryTester
 012761N/AGraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008strider: When you fight Grand Master (final boss), near the world there are some squares darker than others.-Misc Reporters-
 012751N/ADIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008strider: In service mode the unused 3rd start button is positioned to on. It should be off.-Misc Reporters-
 0127430.56GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008strider: In the final-boss scene, you can see that the bottom-right piece of the world is a little too far to the left.-Misc Reporters-
 0127210.105u1GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008kod: Glitch on the boss life bar.-Misc Reporters-
 012700.96u2GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008ffight: During the test, there is gfx garbage.Kold666
 012681N/AColor/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008cawing: When you insert a credit during the first 2 screens, credit appears in wrong colors.-Misc Reporters-
 01267N/AMisc.MinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008contra: It seems the second player cannot continue until the first player needs to continue also.-Misc Reporters-
 012660.62Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ResolvedFeb 17, 2008area51, maxforce: area51 crashes when you reset it.Luigi30
 01265N/AGameplayMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008stoneage: During level 3-b, the game jumps to level 4 when arrived at the boss without fighting him.-Misc Reporters-
 01264N/AGameplayMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008citycon: When reaching 900,000 points the game "awards" you with infinite lives.-Misc Reporters-
 01263N/ASoundMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008starcas: When the main castle gun fires his cannon, it triggers the player's ship fire sound at the same time.-Misc Reporters-
 01262N/AMisc.MinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008silvland: Silver Land shouldn't be a clone of River Patrol.-Misc Reporters-
 01261N/ADIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008ccastles, ccastles2: Start buttons don't work unless the game is in cocktail mode.-Misc Reporters-
 01260N/AGraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008cbuster: The title logo gets splitted into three parts.-Misc Reporters-
 0125910.53GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008sailormn: On level 3's boss, when you use your special attack, the priority is wrong.-Misc Reporters-
 01258N/ASpeedMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008ddonpach: Suffers noticable slowdowns.-Misc Reporters-
 0125610.57GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008botads: In the intermission before levels, the tv static "noise" is clipped slightly before the right edge, making the background gfx sh-Misc Reporters-
 01255N/ASoundMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008btime, btime2, btimeb, cookrace: A high-pitched whine is heard throughout the game.-Misc Reporters-
 0125410.55GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008bloodbro: In the second level intro, the shadow of the boot's color is wrong.Karasu
 01252N/ASoundMinorResolvedFeb 17, 2008bionicc: The music in the second loop gets desync in the stage 2.-Misc Reporters-
 01250N/ACrash/FreezeMajorResolvedFeb 16, 2008beezer: beezer resets on level 9 if a laid egg is allowed to hatch.-Misc Reporters-
 012493N/AGraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008batman: Batman has some problems with sprite priority.-Misc Reporters-
 01248N/ADIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008atetris: There's no second button to rotate pieces clockwise.-Misc Reporters-
 012473N/ACrash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedFeb 16, 2008ssprint: Problem after crash on the bridge.Shifty
 01246N/ADIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008paperboy: Start without .cfg and .nv files, the bike will steer hard and fast to the left as soon as it begins.Twisty
 01245N/ASoundMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008bonzeadv, bonzeadvu, jigkmgri: There's no music at level 4 (Bloody Pond).-Misc Reporters-
 01244N/ASoundMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008asuka: When you fire, the sound it makes is like you've got a machine gun, but you're only firing 1 or 2 bullets per second.-Misc Reporters-
 01243N/ADIP/InputTrivialResolvedFeb 16, 2008bonzeadv, bonzeadvu, jigkmgri: The Bonus Lives dipswitches are wrong.-Misc Reporters-
 012422N/AGraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008apb: After you get the first message of a mission and the screen goes light again, your car turns grey.-Misc Reporters-
 012410.102u5GameplayMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008gorf: On the Galaxian level especially, the sounds and sprites completely lock up at times.-Misc Reporters-
 01240N/AGameplayMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008asteroid: Once all top ten scores are first recorded, the first game played score that does NOT reach within the 1-10 range will cause...-Misc Reporters-
 01239N/AColor/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008ultennis: Ball color changes when you choose "Beginner Mode".-Misc Reporters-
 01238N/AColor/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 16, 2008bubl2000: Around stage 20, one of the pics of the naked women has bad colors.-Misc Reporters-
 01237N/AInterfaceMinorClosedFeb 16, 2008formatz: Joystick input and skipping gameinfo.ShimaPong
 0079870.113SoundMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008congo: Sound glitch since the zaxxon.c rewrite.Gyrovision
 0063210.37b14DocumentationMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008qbert: "Hello, I'm turned on" isn't playing when powering up.-Misc Reporters-
 0118310.55GraphicsMinorAcknowledgedFeb 14, 2008mia: [possible] In the ending sequence, soldiers helping rescued prisoners have RED shadows.-Misc Reporters-
 0111020.59GraphicsMinorAcknowledgedFeb 14, 2008sdungeon: [possible] Blue pixels on the floor don't disapper if you go to another room.M.A.S.H.
 0110230.55GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008waterski: [possible] Some graphics in this game appear corrupted.BSR
 0107320.113u4Original ReferenceMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008stactics: Recordings from my pcb to document the sound since this game has no sound in MAME.Gyrovision
 0107250.115Original ReferenceMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008miniboy7: Screen photos of Bonanza Enterprises' Mini Boy 7 countertop game enclosed for reference.gregf
 0106810.37b14Misc.TypoResolvedFeb 14, 2008cubybop: There are many things in Cuby Bop that make the game seem like it's a prototype.The tECHIDNA
 0097310.68GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008mrkougar: The edges of the platforms are drawn incorrectly in MAME.-Misc Reporters-
 0095860.65GameplayMinorAcknowledgedFeb 14, 2008kovplus: You can't pick up the fire sword after 10 times in the second mission with the character "ZhuGeLiang".-Misc Reporters-
 0095510.107u3GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008tceptor: If you insert a credit on the instruction screen, you'd see some 'leftovers'.F1ReB4LL
 0090610.79GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008thunderx: While playing a single player game with the 2-player ship (the red ship), your score is criss-crossed.Mr. Do
 0089110.96u3GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008btlkroad: There are minor priority issues.Iaspis
 0088310.55GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008vsskykid: syncronization problems.Kale
 0087310.104u1GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008nratechu: If you shoot a ball, you'll see that there are two sprites on Player 1 seemed to be cut from the top.king_krm
 0086230.58GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008extdwnhl: The time list screen is not cleared correctly.Smitdogg
 0085520.101u2GraphicsMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008astormbl: Currently the graphics on this game are heavily garbled.-Misc Reporters-
 0084710.108u4Crash/FreezeCritical (emulation)ResolvedFeb 14, 2008wintbob: Automatic reset in levels 31, 32 and so on when grey lion shot first fireball.-Misc Reporters-
 0084610.105u4SoundMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008ftsoccer: The music tempo is slow in MAME compared with OSD.Fujix
 0084520.37b6GameplayMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008skychut: Level 2 is definitely broken.-Misc Reporters-
 0083910.117GraphicsMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008astorm3, eswatu, fantzone, shdancer, shinobi: Using Tilemap viewer causes graphic corruption.Yonah
 0083310.118SoundMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008sbrkout: No SoundScagazza
 0081610.122u5GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008bchopper: In the second stage, when the screen is invisible and when the screen scroll up, the status bar appear twice.robiza
 0078610.74u1GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008othunder: The background layers above the status indicators seem to be offset to the left.Nerox91
 0075520.83GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008moo: Graphic glitch in the attract mode.Thenasty
 0074210.35b9GraphicsMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008armwrest: Subsequent bonus rounds (After rounds 5 and 9) are unplayable because of missing money bag sprite.-Misc Reporters-
 0073610.101u2SoundMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008omegrace, deltrace: The Omega race sound is pitched too high.-Misc Reporters-
 0073210.114GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008darius2: Missiles by a particular enemy appear invisible onscreen.-Misc Reporters-
 0073110.116DIP/InputTrivialResolvedFeb 14, 2008cmv801: DIP switch info.-Misc Reporters-
 0072810.96u3GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008neocup98: Graphic issues when "Chance" is shot while lit.Iaspis
 0070210.102GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008mnight: The end of level screen: time bonus counter is overlapping letters.Kekule
 0069810.63GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008totcarn: If the game is reset, the in-game graphics are broken.-Misc Reporters-
 0069310.60GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008revx: After finishing a level, most graphics are missing.Nerox91
 0069210.37b5Color/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008umk3: Palette corruption issuesMC68K
 0069120.59Color/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008umk3: Palette corruption after unlocking hidden characters.-Misc Reporters-
 0068410.104u1Color/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008mp_sonic: Water color in Green Hill Zone incorrect.-Misc Reporters-
 0068320.122u4Crash/FreezeCritical (emulator)ResolvedFeb 14, 2008megaplay.c: All megaplay.c drivers crash with "-bios 1".Firewave
 0067310.110u1GameplayMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008mario: There is an extra space between the platform and objects in MAME.BSR
 0067010.36rc2GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008mysticri: Sprite Priority problemsLord Caos
 0066710.116u1GameplayMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008matchit2: When you have to insert the high score, your score is lost; you can only rewrite the name in the postion you have reached.robiza
 0066410.111DocumentationMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008ltcasino: I believe there was no Little Casino 2, but only Little Casino.gregf
 0066320.74u1GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008liberate: Graphics when you destroy a blue enemy plane are sometimes messed up.NekoEd
 0064310.119GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008jrpacman: Sprites are not clipped properly.-Misc Reporters-
 0062410.114u2DIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008ckongg: Player 2 (cocktail) is an 8-way, while player 1 is a 4-way.-Misc Reporters-
 0062010.58GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008flkatck: In cocktail mode, the score panel isn't repositioned for player 2.-Misc Reporters-
 0061910.37b5GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008topsecex: Problem with scrolling at the bottom of the screen.YMI
 0060310.114u2DIP/InputTrivialResolvedFeb 14, 2008rampage: Player 3 is a 4-way joystick, while players 1-2 are 8-ways.-Misc Reporters-
 0058410.37b6GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008lastday: In the 1st round, tanks tend to ride on top of the girders/overpasses?Jonemaan
 0058310.37b6GameplayMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008bluehawk: When tanks emerge from buildings, they appear on top of the buildings.Jonemaan
 0057210.71GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008wallst: the tank graphics are very glitchy.Pika163
 0057110.96u1GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008spacefrt: The enemy space ship has a blinking white square block.Thenasty
 0056810.115u3GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 20089ballsht: There are vertical lines everywhere.russ h.
 0056520.106u3DIP/InputMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008robocop2: Robocop2 PCB has a 3rd physical DIP switches bank that's missing in the driver.Roberto Fresca
 0056210.36b1GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008wotw: Initial entry screen is clipped on right side.MC68K
 0056110.114u4Color/PaletteMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008draco, altair, destryer: The colours are darker than in the original game.-Misc Reporters-
 0055610.118GraphicsMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008boogwing: The Data East logo on the attract mode and background in the Transporter stage are broken.-Misc Reporters-
 0054610.115u2InterfaceMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008seawolf2: Crosshairs aren't visible on screen.Mr. Do
 0054510.115u4GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008profpac: The top and left of the screen are cut off.russ h.
 0054110.118u1InterfaceMajorResolvedFeb 14, 2008In DirectDraw and GDI mode, transparency isn't respected.-Misc Reporters-
 0052620.37b16GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008gakusai: The in-game scrolling effects display corrupt graphics until the scroll is finished.-Misc Reporters-
 0049710.37b4SoundMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008flashgal: If you die, sometimes sounds will play.Jonemaan
 0032710.102u5GraphicsMinorResolvedFeb 14, 2008blstroid: At the end of the stage 3, it is missing an effect the queens head is moving left to right then back again-Misc Reporters-
 0028310.102u5DIP/InputTrivialResolvedFeb 14, 2008finalizr: 1st & 2nd Unknown are Difficulty, 3rd is Service Mode and 4th is unused.ShimaPong
 0027110.69u3GraphicsMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008spacecr: [possible] During the game's takeoff intro, the graphics from the bottom overlap to the top of the screen.Karasu
 0023810.114Original ReferenceMinorConfirmedFeb 14, 2008rollace: Roller Ace PCB sound recording.Kold666
 0022110.110u2Misc.MajorClosedFeb 14, 2008skybump: I was playing this game when my airplane got blocked in a wall without dying. I had to reset the game.Kold666